All NRC employees are expected to work in accordance with the organization’s values. To be dedicated, innovative, inclusive, and accountable are attitudes and beliefs that shall guide our actions and relationships.
The Logistics Assistant is responsible for specific tasks related to vehicles and transport at the Country office.
Generic responsibilities
These responsibilities shall be the same for all positions with the same title. The Country Offices shall adapt them to the existing organizational chart and the size and complexity of the operations. The responsibilities shall be short and essential. Details belong in the Work- and Professional Development Plan.
Specific responsibilities
These responsibilities shall be adapted to the particularities of the job location and context, phase of operation, strategic focus, and type of programme intervention. This section shall be revised whenever a new employee is hired or the context changes significantly.
Competencies are important in order for the employee and the organization to deliver desired results. They are relevant for all staff and are divided into the following two categories:
1. Behavioral competencies (max 6)
These are personal qualities that influence how successful people are in their job. NRC’s Competency
2. Professional competencies
These are skills, knowledge, and experience that are important for effective performance.
Generic professional competencies for this position: