Mission and objectives
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) works in approximately 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty and the reduction of inequality and exclusion. The program helps countries to developing policies, leadership skills, partnership skills, institutional capacities, and to building resilience to sustainable development results. UNDP implements several projects in different areas, offering its partners technical, operational and management assistance through access to methodologies, specialized knowledge, specialized advice and a wide international network of technical cooperation. To contribute to human development, poverty reduction and the country’s growth in priority areas, UNDP Brazil has a constant mission to align its services with the needs of a dynamic, multifaceted and diverse country. The projects are carried out in partnership with the Brazilian government, international financial institutions, the private sector and civil society.
The project “Strengthening and monitoring innovation actions and improvement of the penal and socio-educational systems, in line with national and international human rights principles and guidelines” aims to work on the development of innovative methodologies and actions with a focus on reestablishing regular and adequate functioning of the prison and socio-educational system and produce subsidies to strengthen the monitoring and inspection of official interventions in these systems, in line with national and international human rights principles and guidelines. In particular, The project works to provide CNJ with tools to: (i) promote the development of mandates and capabilities (constitutional, conventional and legal) of the Judiciary to overcome bottlenecks and obstacles that hinder individual performance and better collective action by magistrates in the criminal and socio-educational systems, notably to protect the positions of more vulnerable populations, and (ii) action to enable full and complete compliance with the decision (on the merits) handed down by the Federal Supreme Court in the ADPF 347, which consolidated the understanding regarding the existence of an unconstitutional state of affairs in Brazilian prisons and determined the agreement and monitoring of a national plan and state and district plans aimed at overcoming a situation of structural disarray and massive and systematic violation of fundamental rights, which prevents the implementation of the grammar and programs of principles present in the Federal Constitution, in the International Human Rights Treaties and in ordinary Legislation. To achieve these objectives, the project is organized into 6 axes, which correspond to the intermediate results expected for the project: 1 – Implementation, strengthening and monitoring/evaluation of actions that guarantee the regular functioning of the penal system 2 – Implementation, strengthening and monitoring/evaluation of actions that guarantee the regular functioning of the socio-educational system 3 – Improvement and quantitative and qualitative increase in the collection and production of data from the penal and socio-educational systems, 4 – Improvement, strengthening and monitoring of care strategies for the most vulnerable populations in interface with the penal and socio-educational systems 5 – Technical assistance to the CNJ for advocacy with 1st and 2nd degree magistracy, through the creation of awareness and communication channels, dissemination of content, education, training, interaction strategies, dialogue and other actions that allow better instrumentalization of the information of the performance options of Brazilian judges, enabling them to act more comprehensively towards the population and its inequalities 6 – Efficient management and knowledge management of the project carried out. This recruitment is part of Axis 3, as described above, which is responsible for management actions aimed at improving and enhancing both the quantity and quality of data collection and production from the penal and socio-educational systems. These actions seek to contribute to a coordinated strategy for implementing penal and socio-educational policies nationwide, in conjunction with other Axes and cross-cutting actions aimed at ensuring rights, in alignment with domestic regulations and decisions of International Courts.
Task Description
Under the oversight of the general coordinator, the UN Volunteer will be responsible for providing technical and administrative support for the management and monitoring of projects and actions aimed at implementing the initiatives and targets established for Axis 3. Tasks and Responsibilities: • Assist in administrative management by organizing processes, monitoring workflows, and tracking projects implemented under Axis 3. • Support the drafting, revision, and translation of texts, reports, official documents, and other institutional materials necessary for administrative management, knowledge systematization, and the development of ongoing actions within Axis 3. • Organize and participate in meetings and operational activities, representing the team and providing full technical and administrative support. • Record and monitor Axis 3 activities based on defined goals, deliverables, and management strategies, using the tracking tools established by UNDP and CNJ. • Support the document management process by filing and updating the repository with administrative and regulatory records. • Assist in coordination efforts with other axes, external stakeholders, and program partners. • Collaborate with program coordinators, technical associates, and other team members in project implementation, contract management, procurement processes, and other planned activities. • Perform other tasks as assigned by the designated supervisor.
Competencies and values
• Accountability • Adaptability and flexibility • Client Orientation; • Commitment and Motivation • Commitment to Continuous Learning; • Communication; Creativity; • Ethics and Values; Integrity; • Knowledge Sharing; • Planning and Organizing; • Professionalism; • Respect for Diversity; • Self-Management; • Technological Awareness; • Teamwork
Living conditions and remarks
The assignment will be in Brasília, the Federal capital of Brazil and seat of government of the Federal District. Brasilia is a family duty station and classified A (hardship). The living conditions in Brasilia are good as well as the access to health services. The accommodation facilities are in general good, and the choice is wide. As this is a national UN Volunteer assignment, the UN Volunteer will be responsible for arranging their own housing and other living essentials. National UN Volunteers are part of the malicious insurance plan. Brazil is security level 3 (moderate). United Nations Department of Safety and Security UNDSS Brazil advises to exercise a high degree of caution in Brazil due to high levels of serious and violent crime, particularly in major cities. Violent crime as muggings, armed robbery, kidnappings, and sexual assault, is very high. Avoid shanty towns (favelas) in the big cities and if you are attacked or robbed, do not resist. Demonstrations can occur at any time and may turn violent with little or no warning. All United Nations personnel must scrupulously comply with UNDSS procedures and recommendations during their assignment in Brazil. For missions in rural areas or indigenous reservations, special procedures may apply; UN personnel should consult with the local DSS office in advance. Information on entitlements at the duty station is available at https://app.unv.org/calculator. The complete UN Volunteer Conditions of Service is available at https://explore.unv.org/cos