Market Systems Assessment and intervention design Consultant for THRIVE Programme in South Sudan

negotiable Expires in 2 months



Consultancy Title:
Market Systems Assessment and intervention design Consultant for THRIVE Programme in South Sudan
Project Location(s):
3 States and 8 counties (Jongole-Akobo county, Unity -Panyijiar and Rubkona counties, Upper Nile-Fashoda, Nasir, Panyikang, Renk and Ulang counties) ).
Finance Department Code:
23731 (South Sudan)
Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Mercy Corps in a consortium led by GOAL in partnership with CAFOD, and VSF Suisse, and local implementing partners will be implementing the THRIVE programme to bolster resilience in conflict and climate affected communities in Greater Upper Nile (GUN) in South Sudan.
Purpose / Project Description:
THRIVE programme will reach approximately 120,000 households with gender-responsive and inclusive livelihoods development, market system strengthening, financial inclusion, women’s economic empowerment, climate adaptation, and social cohesion activities. Combining market systems development with locally-led participatory approaches, THRIVE offers a unique solution to address root causes of systemic challenges within target pastoral and agro-pastoral value chains which will create long-term and sustainable improvements in household resilience. The overall goal of the THRIVE programme is that target households have economic and food security, improved resilience to conflict and climate shocks and stresses. Key outcomes envisaged as a result of the integrated intervention strategies include: 1) increased incomes among individuals and micro/small-scale businesses engaged in the fishing, livestock and agro/non-timber forestry sectors; 2) improved food security among households targeted with livelihoods and women/youth empowerment activities; 3) strengthened disaster preparedness & coping capacities to climate and conflict shocks and stresses; 4) improved social cohesion and conflict resolution capacities among target communities; and 5) women and youth economic empowerment, including financial inclusion and improved gender equality. THRIVE’s strategy is guided by GOAL’s Crisis to Resilience framework which prioritises working with local actors and within local systems, to support, stabilise, and strengthen them to move beyond crisis to achieve greater resilience and sustainable wellbeing. The strategy is anchored around four integrated approaches including the Market systems development (MSD), localised and community led, gender equity and social inclusion (GESI) and social and behavioural change (SBC) that are selected with the aim of reinforcing each other, and to be delivered in a manner which magnifies the impact of each Output area. THRIVE will follow the Market Systems Development (MSD) approach to bring about systems change. Even during prolonged crises, such as the one affecting GUN, markets rarely collapse entirely. Extensive research demonstrates that crisis-affected households often rely much more on local markets and social networks than on external humanitarian aid. Despite the importance of market systems, the aid community has historically focused on direct provision of commodities and services to meet needs of crisis-affected people. This approach has often undermined communities’ ability to cope without aid and hampered the longer-term transition out of crisis.
Consultant Objectives:
The consultancy aims to conduct a detailed market systems assessments in 3 states and eight counties of Akobo county in Jongolei state;Panyijiar and Rubkona counties in Unity State; and Fashoda, Nasir, Panyikang, Renk and Ulang counties in Upper Nile state in South Sudan, covering Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry (Gum Arabic, Bamboo, Honey, Fruit/Vegetables) markets systems/value chains along with their supporting functions (financial services, skills and business development services) and to facilitate intervention design based on the findings from the assessments.The assessment aim to identify opportunities to enhance production and productivity; improve access to quality inputs and services; enhance access to output markets; strengthen market linkages; improve availability and usage of effective storage; and otherwise add value to current production in order to allow the local population within the targeted geographies to increase incomes, improve food security and coping capacities to climate and conflict shocks and stresses andto manage and resolve conflicts in their communities. This detailed market assessment will be used by Mercy Corps and the THRIVE Consortium to develop intervention strategies and tactics for the selected and related secondary markets systems with the aim of driving social and economic development in the GUN region.
Consultant Activities:
Mercy Corps is therefore seeking a consultant(s) to conduct a detail market systems assessment and facilitate design of appropriate interventions for the Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry, and related secondary market systems. The role of the consultant(s) will include the following:
  • Undertake desktop research to identify the key trends in the South Sudan Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry market systems with specific focus on the GUN region.
  • Map and profile key actors in the Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry market systems in the GUN region. This will include primary actors along the value chain (producers, input suppliers, traders, processors, retailers and end consumers) and secondary supporting actors (financial service providers, business development services (BDS) extension providers, regulating authorities etc). Identify who they are, estimated numbers, their key functions and the nature of market interactions with other actors and where possible, indicate the key incentives and disincentives along the chains in the different geographies within the GUN region.
  • Undertake analysis of the capacities and constraints of market actors from the market mapping. Identify any gaps or deficiencies that currently exist in the functions or services of the market systems, and evaluate why those services are absent or sub-optimally delivered; who can possibly provide such services. This should include generalized analysis for each category of actors and also specific information about key real-world businesses or market actors that are prominent in the market systems.
  • Examine relevant components of the regulatory and policy framework as well as important informal norms /rules that affect the Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry and the related secondary market systems in the target geographies.
  • Analyze the over-all business environment under which the Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry market systems are operating in the target geographies and link this to the national level. Where possible provide a SWOT analysis of the Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry marketing structures in GUN Region and link to cross-border opportunities in Sudan and other neighboring countries.
  • Assess the overall competitiveness of the Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry markets systems in the GUN region, in relation to other regional, national and cross-border market performance, including unique selling points (USP) where they exist. Identify alternative potential output markets for the GUN Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry products.
  • Undertake analysis of how conflict and climate change affect the performance of the Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry markets and advise on the feasibility of more conflict and climate change sensitive model to develop each of these markets.
  • Based on the finding from the MSA, facilitate the design workshop to enable the THRIVE programme team to makes sense out of the assessment and redesign (review) the proposed intervention in the Fisheries, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry market systems.
Based on the detailed analysis of the above, the consultant will provide:
  • A detailed analysis of the Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry and the related secondary market systems, assessing constraints and opportunities that THRIVE Consortium and particularly Mercy Corps can work to address. Of particular interest to Mercy Corps and THRIVE programme is how to interest the target population and incentivized the private/public sector actors to improve the functioning of interconnected markets such as input supply, extension services, output markets and business services, cold storage and transportation, financial services provision, etc.
  • Advise on coordination, governance and information sharing mechanisms in the Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry and related secondary market systems and propose possible coordination or governance models that improve collaboration, information sharing and social cohesion and learning between actors to improve the effectiveness and opportunities along the value chains.
  • Delineate and examine the different market channels for Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry and related secondary markets systems and their products, outlining potential opportunities, additional investments, challenges and possible interventions.
  • Segment the markets and recommend (based on evidence) the best sub sector and or supporting markets to focus on, especially for women and youth. An analysis of the supporting functions needed to strengthen the market system for poor producers. Identify existing service gaps and indicate who or what might fill them.
  • Based on the observed market conditions and opportunities, outline key future strategic interventions to trigger and stimulate development of the Fish, Livestock, and Sustainable Non-Timber/Agro-Forestry market systems in the next four years. The proposed strategic interventions will be critically examined during the design workshop for their suitability and sustainability and should also be aligned to other national strategies.
  • Facilitate the design of systemic and yet pro poor interventions. This assignment (consultancy) will extend beyond the confines of the markets system assessment into intervention design. The insights from the MSA will guide the consortium and Mercy Corps in tailoring interventions that are not only inclusive but also contextually relevant, fostering resilience and sustainable development in the GUN region of South Sudan.
Consultant Deliverables:
  • An inception report (maximum ten pages) outlining the approach/method and work timetable submitted for review and approval by MC before commencing the assessment.
  • Data collection tools submitted.
  • Market assessment draft report submitted after completion of fieldwork.
  • Internal presentation and discussion (validation) of key findings with Mercy Corps and the THRIVE Consortium members.
  • Submit outline of designed interventions, with detail intervention logic/theory of change, business model, and potential list of actors to partner after completing the design workshop. The design workshop will be organized and funded by Mercy Corps or the THRIVE Consortium.
  • Final report submitted after completing the validation and the design workshop-integrating feedback from the workshops. The final report should not be more than 30 pages maximum, others may be put in annexes.
Timeframe / Schedule:
  • An inception report (maximum ten pages) submitted for review and approval by MC five (5) working days after signing the contract.
  • Data collection tools submitted within five (5) working days of approval of inception report.
  • Field data collections (market systems assessment) 10 working days
  • Market assessment draft report submitted within ten (10) working days of completion of fieldwork.
  • Internal presentation and discussion (validation) of key findings with Mercy Corps and the THRIVE Consortium members one (1) day.
  • Outline of designed interventions, with detail intervention logic/theory of change, business model, and potential list of actors to partner with submitted in ten (10) work days after completed the design workshop. The design workshop will be organized and funded by Mercy Corps or the THRIVE Consortium.
  • Submission of the final report submitted within five (5) working days of after completing the validation and the design workshop.
The consultancy will be completed within a maximum total of 40 working days
The Consultant will report to:
Joel Kidega, Food Security and Livelihoods Technical Advisor, Mercy Corps South Sudan.
The Consultant will work closely with:
Abdulkadir Jemal Hussen, Market Systems Technical Lead, THRIVE Programme, THRIVE Programme Management Unit, Mercy Corps MSD TRaQ.
Required Experience & Skills:
  • 5-10 years of experience in relevant technical field (required)
  • Market Systems Development (MSD): Demonstrated experience in conducting market systems assessments, utilizing the Market Systems Development (MSD) approach. Proven ability to analyze complex market dynamics, identify key actors, functions, rules, and relationships within target markets.
  • Sectoral Expertise: Extensive knowledge and experience in the sectors outlined, including Private Sector Development (Financial Services, Business Support Services, MSMEs), Agriculture and Rural Development (Crop Production, Livestock and Fisheries, Agribusiness), Natural Resources and Biodiversity (Forest Management, Conservation Agriculture), and Climate Change Adaptation (Renewable Energy, Disaster Risk Reduction).
  • Resilience Integration: Previous engagement in embedding resilience approaches across various markets and subsectors. Experience in identifying opportunities and challenges related to resilience within the target regions.
  • Intervention Design: Proven ability to propose and design interventions based on market systems analysis. Experience in developing partnerships and designing programme activities aimed at addressing identified barriers and leveraging opportunities within market systems.
  • Report Drafting: Strong report drafting skills, including the capacity to translate complex market assessments into clear, concise, and actionable reports. Experience in drafting and finalizing comprehensive MSA reports.
  • Collaborative Stakeholder Engagement: Demonstrated success in working collaboratively with a variety of stakeholders, including local communities, government agencies, NGOs, and private sector actors. Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Adaptability and Creativity: Ability to work under pressure, independently, and with limited supervision. Proven creative problem-solving skills and excellent time management capacities. Demonstrated adaptability to evolving contexts.
  • Security and Cultural Awareness: Awareness of security, political, and cultural considerations in the South Sudan context. Ability to navigate and work effectively in challenging environments.
  • Humanitarian Commitment: Deep commitment to humanitarian principles and values, ensuring that interventions contribute to the overall objective of progressing towards a more stable, resilient, and peaceful South Sudan.


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We recognize that diversity and inclusion is a journey, and we are committed to learning, listening and evolving to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive than we are today.
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Mercy Corps team members are expected to support all efforts toward accountability, specifically to our stakeholders and to international standards guiding international relief and development work, while actively engaging communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field projects. Team members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and MC’s policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.


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