Terms of Reference
NPO/ SSA Anthropologist
Mozambique is prone to natural disasters (cyclone and flooding following cyclone and heavy rains) and disease outbreaks (cholera, dysentery, and malaria). Cholera outbreak has been reported from different provinces and MOH is responding the cholera outbreak and partners are supporting the response actions.
Following the recent heavy rains more in the southern region of the country had resulted displacement of people and damage houses and infrastructures. Moreover, tropical cyclone FREDDY #1 and #2 cyclone has land fall and affected different provinces resulted in flooding with displacement of people and damage of infrastructures including of health facilities. Its effects has resulted an increase in cholera in differrnt parts of the country.
The cause and spread of vibrio cholera can be attributed to behavioural, climatic and socio-economic determinants. Hygiene behavioural practices are an important factor in the spread of cholera which, like any disease, is underpinned by local social and cultural structures. Understanding this social state is crucial in setting up a response and prevention programme. It is especially important to understand the perceptions, representations, attitudes and behaviours of the population in better control current and future cholera outbreaks. Likewise, it is necessary to measure levels of knowledge on the modes of transmission, contamination, and prevention of the epidemic.
Mozambique is a cosmopolitan country with important cultural and religious diversity. Each province has its own social realities however, preliminary data shows a certain refusal to talk about cholera in public. This refusal may be linked to the stigmatisation of the disease. This requires deconstruction in order to carry out effective interventions with communication that does not offend local cultures and beliefs.
The WHO Mozambique office wants to conduct rapid socio-anthropological studies on cholera to underpin localised interventions adapted to particular social contexts.
Conduct rapid socio-anthropological studies following operational priorities of the incident management team in the most affected areas to understand perceptions, attitudes, behaviours and practices around cholera. The selected candidate will also provide the necessary operational support to the operation in terms of key risk communication and communication engagement actions. Additionally, the selected expert will make operational recommendations to engage communities in increasing the ownership of the response against cholera.
Competencies (Generic)
Competencies (Functional)
Languages: Portuguese: Excellent, English: good knowledge;
Other Skills (e.g. IT): Excellent computer skills (Word, Excel, Power Point,)
Duty station: Central level (Maputo)
Level: NOC step1
Duration: two months