National Consultant on Formulated Complementary Feed Value Chains (FCF) in Nigeria

Geneva, Switzerland
negotiable Expires in 2 weeks


Result of Service
EXPECTED DELIVERABLES AND TIMELINES Output 1 by April 30, 2025 • A draft initial report summarizing the results of the literature review on complementary food value chains formulated, highlighting trends, gaps and opportunities within the sector. The initial report should include the consultant’s methodology for VC mapping, including details on the institutions and stakeholders that would be engaged. • A draft questionnaire following a value chain approach to evaluation, to be shared with the project team for review and validation. Output 2 by May 21, 2025 • Submit a first draft report on the VC mapping for the selected value sub-chains, detailing input quality, food security requirements, supply availability, production technologies and key ingredients. The report should also include a summary of the results of the questionnaire administered to value chain actors, highlighting the risks and uncertainties affecting the selected value sub-chains. • Highlight the processing capacities of producers and processors in the selected value sub-chains, with a focus on primary and secondary food processing capacities. Additionally, provide a breakdown of the sourcing potential for various market segments, including institutional buyers (e.g., WFP, UNICEF), multinationals, small-scale local processors, private companies, and local communities, etc. Output 3 by August 11, 2025 • Provide an updated final report of the VC mapping incorporating ITC’s feedback • Consolidate the results of the above reports into a PowerPoint presentation • Prepare an Excel sheet containing the list and contact details of all stakeholders interviewed/engaged by category (producers, processors, distributors, development agencies, NGOs, government agencies, private sector, MSMEs, etc.)
Work Location
Home-based in Nigeria
Expected duration
01.04.25 – 11.08.25
Duties and Responsibilities
Context The International Trade Centre (ITC) is a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization for trade-related technical cooperation in developing countries. The Green and Inclusive Value Chains (GIVC) section is responsible for developing and disseminating sector expertise for sustainable market-driven solutions in the field of ICTs, including the Alliances for Action (A4A) methodology. A4A is a participatory partnership model that engages smallholder farmers and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to manage risks and facilitate networks that provide the required technical expertise and capacity building. The EU-funded project “Africa: Value chain diagnostics zooming on pharmaceuticals, cars and formulated complementary foods” implemented by ITC has as its main objective to identify and strengthen regional value chains1 in Africa. The project is a follow-up to the Value Chain Diagnostic for Africa project, implemented in 2021 and 2022 (Phase 1), which identified 94 promising value chains to foster continental development and integration in Africa. The Summit of African Heads of State in Niamey in November 2022 identified the pharmaceutical, automotive and baby food sectors as priorities for the future. As a result, the European Commission (INTPA) and the African Union have requested ITC to deepen these sectors in order to broaden the diagnostics of promising sub-sectors and pilot regions in order to develop a roadmap of interventions for each sub-sector (Phase 2). For the FCF sector, the objective is to increase Africa’s resilience to global shocks in food supply chains and increase the region’s capacity to feed its own population and ultimately the populations of other African countries by developing value addition and productive transformation. In addition, there is considerable potential to improve the complementary food market in Africa and combat child undernutrition with adequate complementary foods. Prices will be critical if the CLF is to reach low-income families. Emphasis should be placed on areas where there is a shortage of fresh food available for complementary feeding, or where fresh food is inaccessible or too expensive. In this context, ITC is seeking consultants to assess production, processing capacities, ecosystem and policy environment for selected value sub-chains within formulated complementary foods (FCFs) in Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria, focusing on 9 sub-value chains detailed in ITC’s Trade Market Intelligence (TMI) quantitative analysis that will be shared with the consultant. At the same time, consultants will be hired to carry out a similar mapping for the 3 other countries. The consultants are expected to work closely together, taking a joint approach to improve efficiency and impact. This collaboration will include harnessing synergies between countries, sharing valuable resources and co-participating in meetings with ITC’s agribusiness project team. The entry point for the mapping should be the processing segment that will be best placed to guide the consultant on key issues affecting the regional value chains targeted by the analysis. RESPONSIBILITIES The Consultant will work under the direct supervision of the A4A Senior Expert in Inclusive Agribusiness and in close collaboration with the relevant ITC teams at headquarters and country offices. The Consultant will be responsible for the following duties: 1. Undertake a literature review focusing on regional value chains of formulated complementary foods, drawing primarily on ITC’s quantitative analysis of regional free cash flows for West Africa, as well as other relevant literature on this topic. The review should also include a mapping of past and ongoing initiatives and policies related to selected value sub-chains within the FCF sector in the target countries and/or the West African region. The literature review should include information on specific inputs (ingredients) such as grains, legumes, nuts, vegetable oils, vitamins and minerals, etc. 2. Mapping of VC sub-sectors, including the identification of key stakeholders at each stage, the assessment should cover key elements, including: • Availability of approved inputs for FCF production, food safety and quality issues, trade linkages between actors, enabling policy environment. • Processing capacities of value chain actors in selected value sub-chains to determine the supply potential for different market segments such as large institutional buyers (e.g. WFP, UNICEF), multinationals, small private enterprises, MSMEs and local communities in the target country/West African region. The assessment should cover both primary and secondary food processing capacities in the target countries and the West African region. • Mapping of companies (including food ingredient suppliers) already active in selected value sub-chains or with investment potential. • Stakeholder engagements with relevant sectoral government bodies (e.g., agencies responsible for nutrition and food security) and representatives of regional organizations, NGOs, the private sector, etc., to assess the political will to support selected sub-value chains within FCF sectors. The Consultant to share the first list of stakeholders for the review and validation of the ITC. • Assess the access to finance and investment issues affecting the sector and opportunities. • Assess all aspects related to market development gaps. • Make recommendations on potential areas of focus for a roadmap. The Consultant should design and administer a questionnaire for relevant value chain actors to identify potential risks and uncertainties that could affect the selected value sub-chains. Specific questionnaires may be required for FCF finished products, ingredients and related agricultural raw materials, as determined in consultation with the ITC team. The questionnaire(s) should be shared with the ITC team for review and validation. Copyright The Subject Matter Expert shall ensure that it has obtained the necessary permissions in respect of the Intellectual Property Rights necessary for the performance of its services under this Consulting Agreement and for subsequent dissemination by ITC in any form. Documentary evidence must be submitted to ITC. If a license fee is due for the use of copyrighted materials of third parties, the Consultant must seek prior written permission from ITC. In addition, they must ensure that they obtain accreditation for the event(s), if necessary.
Qualifications/special skills
• Postgraduate degree (M.A./M.Sc./MBA, Ph.D. or other) • Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in agricultural value chain development, agro-industry, food quality management, technology, international economics, business administration, development studies or related field. • Extensive relevant experience may be accepted in lieu of a university degree. A minimum of ten (10) years of experience working in trade, food safety, value chain analysis and development, agri-food and/or a related field Proven experience on qualitative value chain mapping. Knowledge of the infant food value chain in Nigeria and the ECOWAS region. Proven experience in the West African context and in providing technical assistance. Previous work experience in the infant food industry is desirable Experience in coordinating and leading expert groups and working with international Experience in data collection, survey administration, and multi-stakeholder engagement Strong mapping capabilities, preferably related to agriculture/agribusiness value chain analysis. Good understanding and first-hand knowledge of food safety and quality audits and standards, value added and the functioning and dynamics of the country’s public sector Ability to produce documents for official distribution to international institutions and stakeholders (presentations, reports, etc.). Good understanding of the functioning and dynamics of international development projects, participatory approaches and public-private partnerships (PPPs Good knowledge of Microsoft Office Ability to work reliably and independently with minimal supervision. Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of local languages in West Africa is an added advantage.
Additional Information
Not available.
No Fee
Geneva, Switzerland


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