National Consultant – Technical Specialist for FARM

negotiable Expires in 1 week


  • National Consultant – Technical Specialist for FARM

National Consultant – Technical Specialist for FARM

Procurement Process

IC – Individual contractor




11-Mar-25 @ 12:59 PM (New York time)

Published on

26-Feb-25 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)

Reference Number



Kongthanou Khanthavixay, Procurement Analyst – [email protected]

This specific tender is managed via the new supplier portal system of UNDP Quantum. If you are interested in submitting a bid for this tender, you must subscribe following the instructions in the user guide. If you have not registered a profile with this system, you can do so by following the link for Supplier Registration.

If you already have a supplier profile, please access the negotiation using quicklink or please login to the Supplier Portal, then search for the negotiation using the reference number UNDP-LAO-00459, following the instructions in the user guide.


Country: Laos

Description of the Assignment:

Scope of Work

General requirements

The National Consultant – Technical Specialist will provide high level advice and guidance to Department of Agriculture, Government of Lao PDR and UNDP in the following areas:

· Guide and support with national technical expertise on project implementation activities under Component 1, 2 3, and 4.

· Coordinate and support the development and implementation a capacity building programme for strengthening pesticide registration in line with FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit.

· Coordinate and support the development of a capacity building programme for implementation of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides.

· Identify key stakeholders to involve in the capacity building programmes and ensure engagement in accordance with the requirement of Stakeholder Engagement Plan during project.

· Conduct a local preliminary diagnosis and validation of existing stockpiles within the country.

· Assess treatment and disposal facilities for wastes at national and/or regional level.

· Design an optimization plan for the removal of identified stockpiles considering best practices worldwide.

· Ensure the implementation of existing BEP/BAT throughout project activities.


Specific tasks

Task 1: Technical guidance, review and contractor management.

• Develop detailed Terms of References for national and international consultants and contractors, as required by the project;

• Supervise consultants, and conduct quality assurance review of technical review of their contracted outputs;

• Provide technical guidance and support to DOA and the project team;

Task 2: Development of project reports and knowledge products.

• Draft synthesis reports to be published as technical project reports using outputs from consultants and project outcomes;

• Provide inputs on the development of knowledge products to showcase project outcomes and achievements, such as: fact sheets, brochures, posters, maps, conceptual diagrams and infographics, videos etc. for publishing in print and/or online media;

• Draft event summaries, new items, stories etc. for publishing on the project’s knowledge hub/ portal;

• Draft a detailed progress report of the project

Task 3: Build project visibility and linkages with other projects and development partners

• Promote the project and its achievements through the dissemination of knowledge products and communication materials via the project’s knowledge hub and other forums;

• Represent the project at stakeholder events and meetings;

• Build synergies with other projects through collaborations with government and development partners;

Task 4: Project monitoring and reporting.

• Provide inputs to the project’s M&E reports, such as: six monthly progress reports, GEF Project Implementation Reports (PIR), mid-term and end-of-project reviews;

• Provide feedback on the performance of project consultants;

• Undertake reviews of on-ground investments and activities and document their outcomes, such as: pilot activities for sustainable agriculture, improvements in community livelihoods;

Task 5: Advocacy and Programme development.

• Lead preparation of policy papers and help to prepare policy advocacy notes/speech; and provide technical inputs to the development of new Concept note/project proposal in relevant areas.

Task 6: Staff Support and Capacity Building

• Coach and support project staff and promote a learning environment;

• Orientate UNDP and FARM project staffs on project strategies, expectations, and own roles and responsibilities;

• Assess staff competencies and guide individuals and teams to effectively complete objectives and tasks;

• Support DOA capacity enhancement efforts; mentor and develop the skills and/or provision of training of officials;

• Be mindful of staff wellness and induce a culture of transparency, problem solving, and teamwork;

• Support access to reference materials, online and other training opportunities for staff and partners;

• Support and be involved in organizing and facilitating project meetings, workshops etc. with relevant substantive inputs.

Task 7: Coordination and Networking

• Network and foster functional relationships with FARM, UNDP, Government agencies, UN agencies, donors, NGOs, Private sector and other key stake holders;

• Represent UNDP as required and promote a strong collaborative, transparent, and sharing environment amongst stakeholders in the poverty-environment issues;

• Align and synchronize efforts with the UNDP Operations and FARM administration to ensure of effective and timely support services;

• In coordination with DOA, ensure that project activities are well coordinated with relevant Government Agencies and other necessary entities;

• Facilitate or participate in workshops, webinars, and meetings as necessary.


Period of assignment/services: 90 working days.


Proposal should be submitted directly in the portal no later than indicated deadline.


Any request for clarification must be sent in writing via messaging functionality in the portal. UNDP will respond in writing including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry.





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