Hiring Office: UNFPA Mozambique Country Office
Purpose of consultancy:
In line with the 2024 UNFPA Evaluation Policy, the UNFPA Mozambique CO is planning to conduct an evaluation of its 10th CP (2022-2026). The purpose of the Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) is to strengthen accountability to stakeholders, support evidence-based decision-making, and improve learning. The overall objective of the CPE is to provide an independent assessment of the performance of the CP and to broaden the evidence base for the design of the next programme cycle.
The evaluation will cover all interventions in the four thematic areas of the CP, which have been implemented across Mozambique during the programme’s period. The thematic areas are (i) sexual and reproductive health and rights; (ii) gender and social norms / adolescents and youth; (iii) population change and data; and (iv) humanitarian action. In addition, the evaluation will also cover cross-cutting issues, such as human rights, gender equality, disability, and transversal functions, such as coordination, monitoring and evaluation, innovation, resource mobilization, and strategic partnerships.
The CPE will serve the following four main purposes, as outlined in the 2024 UNFPA Evaluation Policy: (i) oversight and demonstrate accountability to stakeholders on performance in achieving development results and on invested resources; (ii) support evidence-based decision-making to inform development, humanitarian response and peace-responsive programming; and (iii) aggregating and sharing good practices and credible evaluative evidence to support organizational learning on how to achieve the best results; and (iv) empower community, national and regional stakeholders.
Scope of work:
The scope of work of the consultancy includes the following:
The CPE will be conducted by a multidisciplinary team of consultants. They should collectively have the qualifications and experience to design and implement a methodologically robust evaluation and cover all the above-mentioned thematic areas of the CP. The evaluation team will consist of:
Evaluation team member: SRHR expert
The SRHR expert will provide expertise on integrated sexual and reproductive health services, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, maternal health, family planning and obstetric fistula. S/he will contribute to the methodological design of the evaluation and take part in the data collection and analysis work, with overall responsibility of contributions to the evaluation deliverables in her/his thematic area of expertise. S/he will provide substantive inputs throughout the evaluation process by contributing to the development of the evaluation methodology, evaluation work plan and agenda for the field phase, participating in meetings with the CPE manager, UNFPA Mozambique CO staff and the ERG. S/he will undertake a document review and conduct interviews and group discussions with stakeholders, as agreed with the evaluation team leader.
Evaluation team member: Adolescents and youth expert
The adolescents and youth expert will provide expertise on youth-friendly SRHR services, comprehensive sexuality education, adolescent pregnancy, SRHR of young women and adolescent girls, access to contraceptives for young women and adolescent girls, and youth leadership and participation. S/he will contribute to the methodological design of the evaluation and take part in the data collection and analysis work, with overall responsibility of contributions to the evaluation deliverables in her/his thematic area of expertise. S/he will provide substantive inputs throughout the evaluation process by contributing to the development of the evaluation methodology, evaluation work plan and agenda for the field phase, participating in meetings with the CPE manager, UNFPA Mozambique CO staff and the ERG. S/he will undertake a document review and conduct interviews and group discussions with stakeholders, as agreed with the evaluation team leader.
Evaluation team member: Gender equality and women’s empowerment expert
The gender equality and women’s empowerment expert will provide expertise on the human rights of women and girls, especially sexual and reproductive rights, the empowerment of women and girls, engagement of men and boys, as well as GBV and harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and harmful initiation practices. S/he will contribute to the methodological design of the evaluation and take part in the data collection and analysis work, with overall responsibility of contributions to the evaluation deliverables in her/his thematic area of expertise. S/he will provide substantive inputs throughout the evaluation process by contributing to the development of the evaluation methodology, evaluation work plan and agenda for the field phase, participating in meetings with the CPE manager, UNFPA Mozambique CO staff and the ERG. S/he will undertake a document review and conduct interviews and group discussions with stakeholders, as agreed with the evaluation team leader.
Evaluation team member: Population dynamics expert
The population dynamics expert will provide expertise on population and development issues, such as census, ageing, migration, the demographic dividend, and national statistical systems. S/he will contribute to the methodological design of the evaluation and take part in the data collection and analysis work, with overall responsicope of work:bility of contributions to the evaluation deliverables in her/his thematic area of expertise. S/he will provide substantive inputs throughout the evaluation process by contributing to the development of the evaluation methodology, evaluation work plan and agenda for the field phase, participating in meetings with the CPE manager, UNFPA Mozambique CO staff and the ERG. S/he will undertake a document review and conduct interviews and group discussions with stakeholders, as agreed with the evaluation team leader.
Duration and working: 2 months
Place where services are to be delivered: UNFPA Mozambique Country Office, Maputo
Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):
Expected Deliverables
The evaluation team is expected to produce the following deliverables:
● Design report. The design report should translate the requirements of the ToR into a practical and feasible evaluation approach, methodology, and work plan. In addition to presenting the evaluation matrix, the design report also provides information on the country situation and the UN and UNFPA response. The Handbook section 2.4 provides the required structure of the design report and guidance on how to draft it.
● PowerPoint presentation of the design report. The PowerPoint presentation will be delivered at an ERG meeting to present the contents of the design report and the agenda for the field phase. Based on the comments and feedback of the ERG, the CPE manager and the regional M&E adviser, the evaluation team will develop the final version of the design report.
● PowerPoint presentation for debriefing meeting with the CO and the ERG. The presentation provides an overview of key emerging findings of the evaluation at the end of the field phase. It will serve as the basis for the exchange of views between the evaluation team, UNFPA Mozambique CO staff (incl. senior management) and the members of the ERG who will thus have the opportunity to provide complementary information and/or rectify the inaccurate interpretation of data and information collected.
● Version 1 evaluation report. The version 1 evaluation report will present the findings and conclusions, based on the evidence that data collection yielded. It will undergo review by the CPE manager, the CO, the ERG and the regional M&E adviser, and the evaluation team will undertake revisions accordingly.
● Recommendations worksheet. The process of co-creating the CPE recommendations begins with a set of tentative recommendations proposed by the evaluation team (see Handbook, section 4.3).
● Final evaluation report. The final evaluation report (maximum 80 pages, excluding opening pages and annexes) will present the findings and conclusions, as well as a set of practical and actionable recommendations to inform the next programme cycle. The Handbook (section 4.5) provides the structure and guidance on developing the report. The set of annexes must be complete and must include the evaluation matrix containing all supporting evidence (data and information and their source).
● PowerPoint presentation of the evaluation results. The presentation will provide a clear overview of the key findings, conclusions and recommendations to be used for the
dissemination of the final evaluation report. Based on these deliverables, the CPE manager, in collaboration with the communication officer in the UNFPA Mozambique CO will develop an:
● Evaluation brief. The evaluation brief will consist of a short and concise document that provides an overview of the key evaluation results in an easily understandable and visually appealing manner, to promote their use among decision-makers and other stakeholders. The structure, content and layout of the Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.): evaluation brief should be similar to the briefs that the UNFPA
All the deliverables will be developed in English.
Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:
Regular meetings with the evaluation manager and the evaluation reference group (ERG), quality assurance of deliverables as outlined in the detailed terms of reference.
Supervisory arrangements:
Under the overall guidance of the Representative, the consultancy team will work under the day to day supervision of the M&E Technical Specialist.
Expected travel:
Travel to selected provinces for data collection.
Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:
SRHR expert
The competencies, skills and experience of the SRHR expert should include:
Adolescents and youth expert
The competencies, skills and experience of the adolescents and youth expert should include:
Gender equality and women’s empowerment expert
The competencies, skills and experience of the gender equality and women’s empowerment expert should include:
Population dynamics expert
The competencies, skills and experience of the population dynamics expert should include:
Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:
The consultancy team will work remotely using their own equipment. UNFPA will provide logistical support In data collection processes
Other relevant information or special conditions, if any: Each consultant is required to share as an attachment a sample of a similar work done in the past together with their daily rate.