National Project Development Consultant

Kingston, Jamaica
negotiable Expires in 22 hours


Result of Service
Final Report and Concept, Workplan, Budget, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for Component 3 activity.
Work Location
Expected duration
2.5 months
Duties and Responsibilities
Background The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the United Nations systems designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional levels. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of global consensus on environmental issues by keeping the environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. UNEP and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) are currently implementing the Global Environment Facility-(GEF) funded CReW+ Project An integrated approach to water and wastewater management in the Wider Caribbean Region using innovative solutions and sustainable financing mechanisms in 18 countries in the Wider Caribbean. The project is co-executed by the Secretariat of the Cartagena Convention and the German agency Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GmbH) on behalf of UNEP and the IDB, respectively, along with the Organisation of American States (OAS). The UNEP Cartagena Convention Secretariat is seeking a consultant, ideally based in Grenada, to support the Ministry of Climate Resilience, the Environment and Renewable Energy (MoCRERE) in their implementation of the GEF CReW+ Project by defining the specific national-level activities in Grenada under component 1: Institutional, policy, legislative and regulatory reforms for Integrated Water and Wastewater Management (IWWM) and component 3: Provision of innovative small-scale, local, rural, peri-urban and community-based solutions for IWWM. The output consists of the diagnostic analysis of existing policy framework, legislations, guidelines and standards in support of IWWM, recommendations for reforms and development of national IWWM plans. Component 3 activities shall implement demonstration projects focusing on: (1) prevention, reduction and control of point and non-point sources of pollution source through best land management practices and (2) Development and implementation of water source protection, water use efficiency and reuse strategies and action plans at selected sites in Grenada. Scope of Assignment This consultancy is intended to assist the Ministry of Climate Resilience, the Environment and Renewable Energy (MoCRERE) to develop a project proposal- detailed implementation plan and budget- outlining the activities to be undertaken under components 1 and 3 of the GEF CREW+ Project in Grenada. Under this assignment, the Consultant is required to: 1. Review the GEF CReW+ full-sized project proposal and Annex Q (national package for Grenada) and become familiarized with the project and the initial package of activities for Grenada. 2. Engage with national stakeholders (National Water and Sewerage Authority, Ministry with responsibility for the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Grenada Solid Waste Management Authority, NAWASA) as needed to inform the development of the project proposal. 3. Prepare a programme of activities, budget, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and draft inception profile. The proposed activity under this initial assignment for components 1 and 3 are: 1. Assist in drafting ToRs for a Consultant/contractor/company (CCC) to implement the national activities under GEF CReW+ project including advance elements related (i) to review and update of the draft National Water Policy to ensure it includes Integrated Wastewater Management with particular attention to reuse of wastewater and sludge and (ii) to develop draft regulations for effluent discharge to the Environment consistent with actual standards and international best practices. 2. Conducting site assessments together with MoCRERE personnel to determine suitable sites for proposal focus. 3. Identification of the two to three most suitable options for the enhancement of the wastewater treatment facilities at key sites in Grenada approved by MoCRERE. 4. In consultation with the national focal point and the GEF CReW+ PCG, selection of the most suitable option for wastewater treatment at the project location. 5. Design with costing of the most strategic, cost-effective and risk-informed treatment solution at the project location considering nature-based solutions where possible, with key recommendations related to local capacity building and sustainability (operation and management, and financial sustainability overtime) and potential for reuse of treated effluents for agriculture, landscaping or other activities. 6. In consultation with stakeholders, prepare a roadmap for design to execution and control including national and local authorities, utilities or other service providers, users, community organizations, etc.). 7. Developing a work plan, budget and monitoring and evaluation plan to undertake the subsequent activities at the project location, (permits and construction), including data gaps, a list of the information required in order to undertake the works efficiently and overall limitations to be considered for the implementation. 8. Prepare and submit a final report to the national focal point and the GEF CReW+ PCG. The National Consultant will report to the MoCRERE focal point on a bi-weekly basis regarding the status of deliverables as outlined in the Terms of Reference. The consultant responsible for this assignment will also report directly to the AMEP Programme Officer at the UNEP Cartagena Convention Secretariat and will work in close coordination with the regional Project Coordinating Group and the Secretariat’s GEF CReW+ Technical Specialist. Payment will be remitted subject to the approval of deliverables by UNEP.
Qualifications/special skills
– A Master’s degree in applied natural sciences or engineering (e.g. water engineering, civil engineering, water and wastewater management, environmental management) or a similar field is required. – A bachelor’s degree in applied natural sciences or engineering with 6 years relevant work experience may be considered. – At least 4 years of work experience in natural resource planning and management, environmental health, agriculture, water and sanitation or any closely related field is required. – Demonstrated experience in project proposal writing is required. – Proven experience working with projects in the water and wastewater sectors is required. – Technical expertise in designing (small-scale) wastewater facilities is required. – Knowledge of project development and implementation is desirable. – Good understanding of Grenada’s national policies and institutional structures, and the ability to advise on institutional capacities and relations is required. – Proven ability to network and develop partnerships across a range of stakeholders, as well as coordinate multi-stakeholder national consultation processes and document results is desirable. – Good organisational and interpersonal skills is desirable.
English and French are the two working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the post advertised, proficiency in oral and written English is required.
Additional Information
Not available.
No Fee
Kingston, Jamaica


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