Procurement Assistant

negotiable Expires in 2 weeks


Mission and objectives

UNDP believes that the people of Indonesia should have ownership over the programmes and projects we support. All UNDP programmes therefore actively promote the spirit of mutual respect, support and accountability and subscribe to the principle of national ownership as enshrined in the Jakarta Commitment – a declaration put forward by the government and its development partners in 2009 to strengthen aid effectiveness in Indonesia. In the true spirit of national ownership, all of UNDP’s assistance in Indonesia is implemented by national entities, including line ministries and the Ministry of National Planning and Development, and at the subnational level by line departments, provincial and district authorities as well as community groups. While each programme supported by UNDP has specific and varied objectives, capacity development is one aim that all UNDP programmes – in Indonesia and worldwide – have in common. This takes on many forms including institutional reform, leadership development, education, and training for members of the public such as journalists, and women’s communities. In line with this logic, UNDP advisers work side by side with Indonesian counterparts to strengthen capacities in technical matters, policy formulation and budget planning, amongst others.


UNDP Indonesia and the Ministry of Health (MoH) have been working together in a long-term partnership on health governance that is aimed at narrowing health development gaps and meeting the SDGs commitments. This partnership has been expanded with the implementation of activities under the 2020-2025 Health Governance Initiative (HEART). HEART Programme focus on the support to strengthen Indonesia’s health system capacity through policy advocacy, evidence based generation intervention, technical assistance, and partnerships by adoptions of information technology advancement with a total program budget of approximately USD 70 million. The HEART Programme will have two outputs: (i) By 2025, strengthened national policy and institutional environment that is governing access to affordable medicines through evidence based and multisector collaborations. (ii) By 2025, the performance of national programme is improved and positively impacts the coverage and the sustainability of service delivery and the health system better integrate environmental concerns in waste management practices to mitigate or limit its impact on environment(s) and prevent and reduce diseases related to climate change. To facilitate opportunities for integrated policy and programme solutions, the HEART project has been designed so that the outputs are mutually reinforcing, harnessing interlinkages across project components. Over recent years the HEART Cluster portfolio has grown significantly with currently covers three project documents: (i) Health Governance Initiative (HEART), (ii) Management Technical Assistance for AIDS, TB, and Malaria Programme (MTC ATM), and (iii) Electronic Immunization Logistics Monitoring System (SMILE). Therefore, to boost cluster performance the HEART Cluster needs an assistant capacity to support and ensure high quality of work, accurate, timely and properly recorded/documented service delivery to cover procurement functions. To support delivery of the programme/project, responsibility of this role includes entering and managing project data in the systems, providing daily technical/procurement support to programme/project implementation consistent with UNDP rules and regulations, conducting project quality assurance for submission of procurement cases, as well as dealing with relevant operational issues including support to regular monitoring.

Task Description

The Procurement Assistant will work closely and under direct supervisor of Project Associate and Procurement Associate. S/he will also work in close collaboration with HEART Cluster team, the procurement team, the RRG Unit, as well as other operations units and programme team in Country Office to resolve complex procurement related issues and to ensure adequate exchange of information. The Procurement Assistant will be responsible for the following tasks: 1. Ensure Implementation of operational strategies, focusing on achievement of the following results: • Full compliance of procurement activities with the UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies. • Provision inputs to preparation of procurement team result-oriented work plans. 2. Support procurement processes ensuring timely and accurate delivery of goods and services, focusing on achievement of the following results: • Preparation of procurement plans for projects and programme including their implementation monitoring. • Organization of procurement processes including preparation and conduct of Micro Purchasing Canvas (MPC), Request for Quotation (RFQs), Invitation to bid (ITBs) or Request for Proposal (RFPs), receipt of quotations, bids or proposals, their evaluation, negotiation of certain conditions of contracts in full compliance with UN rules and regulations. • Preparation of Purchase orders and contracts, preparation of Recurring Purchase orders for contracting of services. • Preparation of submissions to the Contract, Asset and Procurement Committee (CAP) and Advisory Committee on Procurement (ACP). • Implementation of the internal control system which ensures that Purchase orders are duly prepared and dispatched. Timely corrective actions on POs with budget check errors and other problems. • Presentation of reports on procurement in the project. • Preparation of routine correspondence, memoranda and reports on procurement in accordance with prevailing procedures. 3. Supports resource mobilization focusing on achievement of the following results: • Structured documentation of all information and communication with donors related with procurement and relevant work plans. • Updating procurement intranet including contract, roster and supplier information. 4. Supports knowledge building and knowledge sharing focusing on achievement of the following results • Organization of trainings for the operations/ projects staff within the unit. • Synthesis and documentation of lessons learned and best practices in project support management. • Contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice. 5. The incumbent of the position should contribute to avoiding any kind of discriminatory behavior including gender discrimination and ensuring that: • Human rights and gender equality are prioritized as an ethical principle within all actions. • Activities are designed and implemented in accordance with the “Social and Environmental Standards of UNDP”. • Any kind of diversities based on ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, class, or gender are respected within all implementations including data production. • Differentiated needs of women and men are considered. • An inclusive approach is reflected within all actions and implementations, in that sense an enabling and accessible setup in various senses such as disability gender language barrier is created. • Necessary arrangements to provide gender parity within all committees, meetings, training, etc. introduced.

Competencies and values

☒ Accountability ☒ Adaptability and Flexibility ☐ Building Trust ☒ Client Orientation ☒ Commitment and Motivation ☐ Commitment to Continuous Learning ☒ Communication ☐ Creativity ☐ Empowering Others ☒ Ethics and Values ☒ Integrity ☒ Judgement and Decision-making ☐ Knowledge Sharing ☐ Leadership ☐ Managing Performance ☒ Planning and Organizing ☒ Professionalism ☐ Respect for Diversity ☒ Self-Management ☐ Technological Awareness ☐ Vision ☒ Working in Teams

Living conditions and remarks

The position will be based in the Jakarta, home to UNDP Country Office. The cost of living is considered moderate. Basic living needs such as staple foods and household supplies, accommodation, banking facilities, medical facilities, and telecommunications/internet services are readily available. Jakarta offers various housing options. The city is known for heavy traffic congestion, but the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), Light Rail Transit (LRT), and TransJakarta buses, along with ride-hailing services, provide effective travel solutions. Most areas are generally safe, but standard precautions against petty crime are recommended. Specifically, the UN Volunteer will be day-to-day working in the Ministry of Health Office which is accessible through many transportation choices. Work is performed in the normal working environment. For more information about UNV Conditions of Service and Entitlements, please refer to the following links: • • •



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