Program Performance & Quality (PAQ) Manager

Maiduguri, Nigeria
negotiable Expired 5 months ago
This job has expired.



Mercy Corps is aleading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within. Now, and for the future.
Program / Department Summary
Mercy Corps has been present in Nigeria since 2012, focusing its interventions on humanitarian assistance, economic development, and conflict mitigation. With the ongoing insurgency in Northeast Nigeria causing the displacement of millions of individuals, Mercy Corps started its humanitarian response in 2014 to address the rising humanitarian needs. As the crisis has persisted, Mercy Corps’ strategy has also expanded to address the root causes of the conflict and seek to build the long-term resilience of communities with integrated programs focusing on governance, the recovery of markets and livelihoods, social cohesion and social protection, youth empowerment, and local conflict management. With funding from institutional donors, foundations and private corporations, Mercy Corps operates along the humanitarian-development-peace nexus across Nigeria with the ambition of further deepening linkages across the country portfolio and expand both in depth and length its interventions to provide durable solution in current programming areas and address the emerging needs in new areas.
General Position Summary
TheProgramPerformance&Quality(PaQ)Manager is a key position within the Mercy Corps Nigeria country team whowillprovidetechnicalguidanceandsupportforprogram management and coordinationacross the country programs’ portfolio of multiple grants. S/he will ensure accountability checks are in place for Mercy Corps Program Management Minimum Standards (PM@MC) by working closely with the PaQ Director and Director of Programs andadvising Program Managers/Directors on best practices for program management, in line with PM@MC standards.
S/he will have oversight of the development and management ofan effective program filing and archiving systems, standardization of the process for program deliverable quality assurance checks. The PaQ Manager will alsoassist in securing new programs by supporting proposal development processes and partnership development. S/he will work collaboratively with the Programs Managers and Directors, Technical Advisors, and MEL teams, and Headquarters Technical Support Unit (TSU) and Desk staff. The PaQ Manager is highly motivated, s/he is an effective communicator, self-driven and able to move forward complex projects with limited daily support and direction; s/he is able to work remotely with internal and external stakeholders to achieve commonobjectives.
Essential Job Responsibilities
  • Ensureaccountability checks are in place and functionalfor Mercy Corps Program Management (PM@MC) approaches.
  • Contribute to direction setting by prioritizing and organizing actions & resources to achieve objectives and support the DOP and the PaQ Director in the country-wide strategy development. This includes supporting development of any sector-specificstrategies.
  • Support cross-program learning, including operation of sector-specific Technical WorkingGroups.
  • Lead development of aMCNigeria programs’ health dashboard in line with Mercy Corps Program Management minimum standards (PM@MC).
  • Provide technical oversight and support to Program Managers/Directors and focal points to develop programfilingand archiving systems and to ensure programs’ documentation is filed, in compliance with PM@MC, donors’ regulations and good practice.
  • ProvidetechnicalguidancetoProgramManagers/Directorstosetupeffectiveinternal and external program coordinationstructures.
  • Work with Programs to refine processes for program deliverable qualityassurance checks, including monitoring and spot check procedures.
  • ProvidesupporttoProgramManagers/Directorsatkeyimplementationmoments(suchas kick-off meetings, program initiation meetings, 90-day inception meetings, 90-day end of program transition meetings), asrequired.
  • Maintain effective communications with headquarters staff and program teams on program quality and grants tracking issues, and information requests from internal/externalsources.
  • Provide support for prepositioning and new program strategy design efforts.
  • Contribute to proposal development and the design of newprograms.
  • Support Programs Managers/Directorsand the MEL Manager in the development of an adaptive management culture at country-level, providing guidance in adaptive management techniques anddecision-making.
  • Buildcapacityofprogramteamswithinformation,tools andresourcestoimproveperformanceandreach objectives, and review programmatic tools (implementation and follow-up of quality assurance process, development and/or revision of SOPs,etc.).
  • Create a culture of knowledge sharing among departments and programs collaboratively
  • Create and operationalize a knowledge management system and capture new knowledge and ensure information is utilized in new initiatives
  • Ensure team members are trained and aware of knowledge management processes including the objectives of knowledge management
  • Provide support to the ProgramsManagers/Directors to represent Mercy Corps programs with national and internationalcounterparts,donors,partners andparticipateincoordinationforums as required.
  • ProvidesupporttoProgram teams intheorganizationofdonors’visits.
  • Support the development of strategic, cross-program communication materials, such as sector profiles,impact reports, program briefings, key messages, talking points, andother relevantpieces.
  • Ensurecompliancewithsecurityproceduresandpoliciesasdeterminedbycountryleadership.
  • As part of our commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learningorganizationsaremoreeffective,efficientandrelevanttothecommunitiestheyserve, weexpectallteammemberstocommit5%oftheirtimetolearningactivitiesthatbenefitMercyCorpsaswellasthemselves.
  • MercyCorpsteammembersareexpectedtosupportalleffortstowardaccountability,specificallytoourbeneficiariesandtointernationalstandardsguidinginternationalreliefanddevelopmentwork,whileactively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation ofour fieldprojects.
Will supervise the Reporting Specialist and Strategic Learning Specialist.
Works Directly With: Director of Programs, Program Directors and Leads, MEL Unit,Gender Adviser, Nutrition and Food Security Adviser, Protection Adviser, Finance Director, Operations Director, CARM Unit, HQ-based desks, TRAC,and regional teams.
  • BA/Sorequivalentininternationalstudies,economicsorotherrelevantfield;MA/Spreferred.
  • Fiveyearsofrelevant working experience in program quality and implementation forEuropeanandUSinstitutionaldonors.
  • Demonstratedabilityinprogram quality assurancerequired.
  • Fieldexperienceinbothemergencyanddevelopmentenvironmentspreferred.
  • Abilitytoworkacrossdiverse, multiculturalteamsandgetbuy-infromavarietyofstakeholdersisessential.
  • AdvancedwrittenandspokenEnglishisrequired.
  • Abilitytodeliverhighqualitydeliverables withinshortdeadlines.
  • Abilitytomulti-taskandjuggleseveraltasksandrelationshipsatonetime.
  • Previousexperiencebuildingstaffcapacity/trainingand providingtechnicalguidancerequired.
  • Excellentcommunicationskills andexperienceinrepresentinganorganization.
  • DemonstratedproficiencywiththeMSOfficesoftware(i.e.,Word,Excel,PowerPoint)isrequired.
  • Proven ability to work effectively in with technical and administrative staff and consultants.
The successful PaQ Manager will combine exceptional writing skills and experience in providing technicalsupport across program teams. S/he will also have proven experience with cross-cultural teams and willpossesshighlevelofadaptabilityandbeabletoadjusttotheconstantlychangingworkingenvironment.S/hewillhavepreviousexperienceworkingonavarietyofdifferentprograms/sectorsinemergencyanddevelopment settings. Prioritizing, problem solving, ability to seize opportunities, attention to detail andstrategic vision are essential. The most successful Mercy Corps staff members have a strong commitment toteamwork and accountability, thrive in evolving and changing environments and make effective written andverbalcommunicationapriorityinallsituations.
This position is an unaccompanied position based in Maiduguri but will provide support for the entire Country Office. Shared housing will be provided in Maiduguri according to MercyCorps Nigeria’s housing policy. Travel may be requiredup to 30% of the time across the country.
Considering the travel from/to different field locations, this position will require flexibility in terms of accommodation and logistics. Housing in the field will be in hotels or guesthouses where available. Security in the field locations requires additional vigilance and accessibility will be reassessed continuously. Access to good medical services in the field is limited. Phone communication, internet, electricity, and water are available but might be erratic. Given the nature of the role, working hours require flexibility, and working through weekends/evenings might be necessary.
Mercy Corps Team members represent the agency both during and outside of work hours when deployed in a field posting or on a visit/TDY to a field posting. Team members are expected to conduct themselves professionally and respect local laws, customs, and MC’s policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.
Maiduguri, Nigeria


This job has expired.
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