Programme Specialist for Underfunded Emergencies

New York, United States
negotiable Expired 5 months ago
This job has expired.


Result of Service
Rigorous data analysis, desk reviews and multi-stakeholder consultations are conducted to inform the fund-ing decisions for the CERF’s 2025 first round Underfunded Emergencies allocations. Allocation decisions are communicated to the selected countries and relevant internal and external stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner to uphold CERF’s transparency and accountability. Country teams selected for the allo-cation round are provided with relevant guidance to develop strong allocation strategies and projects to im-plement life-saving assistance.
Work Location
New York
Expected duration
6 Months
Duties and Responsibilities
CERF is a global humanitarian fund with a long-time funding target of $1 billion annually. It is one of the fastest funding instruments available to help people affected by crises. Managed by OCHA on behalf of the UN Secretary-General, CERF enables timely, effective and life-saving humanitarian action by UN agencies and others to kick-start or reinforce emergency response anywhere it is required. CERF continuously strives to improve the quality of decisions on funding allocations, with two main objec-tives: First, to make allocations as early as possible, sometimes before a shock happens or before the peak humanitarian impact materializes. Second, to make allocation decisions based on systematic evidence and rigorous analysis. A rigorous data analysis in particular underpins the process for selecting countries for twice-yearly allocation rounds to underfunded emergencies (UFE). The UFE methodology, built around a composite index, aims to identify the world’s most forgotten crises with severe humanitarian needs and a high risk of future deteriora-tion, coupled with underfunding. This quantitative analysis is complemented by extensive multi-stakeholder consultations, as well as desk reviews of humanitarian needs and response plans, other coordinated human-itarian appeals and additional situational and operational updates, which feed the qualitative analysis to in-form the final country selection and funding decisions for the given UFE round. To support the forthcoming 2025 first round UFE allocation process, the CERF secretariat is seeking to re-cruit a Programme Specialist on an ‘individual contractor’ contract to conduct the data analysis, coordinate multi-stakeholder consultations, prepare documents to support the funding decisions, official announce-ments and strategic prioritization of the UFE allocations, as a temporary measure while the CERF Programme Unit faces personnel shortages due to delayed and failed recruitment for other positions within the unit. The individual contractor (Programme Specialist for Underfunded Emergencies) reports to a Programme Officer or the UFE Window Lead in the CERF Programme Unit. Within delegated authority, the individual contractor will be responsible for the following duties: • Under the guidance of CERF’s UFE Window Lead and Data Analyst, support the successive phrases of CERF’s 2025 UFE allocation process by: undertaking a rigorous quantitative analysis of humanitarian needs, risks and vulnerability and funding data; coordinating multi-stakeholder consultations including with the inter-agency CERF UFE Working Group, other humanitarian partners, and relevant sections of OCHA; preparing analytical documents, presentations, guidance documents and templates; and tracking the progress of the UFE round including on specific thematic areas. • Conduct in-depth briefings for new colleagues to the CERF Programme Unit, as well as additional OCHA colleagues and other humanitarian partners, on different aspects of CERF’s UFE allocation pro-cess. • Analyse relevant humanitarian needs and funding data, past CERF allocation information, and stake-holder inputs received to provide strategic advice to enhance the timeliness, effectiveness and account-ability of CERF UFE allocation processes. • Under the guidance of subject area experts, contribute to quantitative and qualitative analysis related to underfunded emergencies or other allocations, e.g., with regard to joint needs assessments or cross-cutting and thematic priorities such as localization, accountability to affected populations, climate action, etc. • Under the guidance of a programme officer, review CERF funding requests, advise the Emergency Re-lief Coordinator (ERC) – based on a thorough analysis, whether CERF should provide funding or not and how much. Review strategies and project proposals to ensure their quality, and process these in CERF’s grant management system. Review and process project revision requests, interim updates and final reports. • Contribute to the preparation of various written documents, e.g., drafts sections of reports, background papers, policy guidelines, presentations on anticipatory action, etc. • Maintain awareness of current humanitarian affairs and related issues, to include relevant political, poli-cy, gender considerations or other developments in specific subject area, country or region concerned. • Perform other duties as required. Work implies frequent collaboration with the following: • Personnel at all levels within OCHA in New York, Geneva, country and regional offices • Counterparts in other UN agencies, IFRC, NGOs and research institutions
Qualifications/special skills
Advanced University Degree (master’s or equivalent) in international relations, development or related field is required. A first-level university degree in combination with an additional two (2) years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. At least least one year of relevant professional experience in humanitarian or development programming in the UN, an NGO or a Red Cross/Red Crescent organization is required. Direct experience in implementing humanitarian or development projects is required. Relevant experience with the UN common system and/or a comparable international organization is desirable.
English and French are working languages in the United Nations. For the Job Opening, fluency in English is required. Knowledge of another UN official language is desirable.
Additional Information
Not available.
No Fee
United States, New York


This job has expired.
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