Title of Assignment: Project Specialist – IPTIs Program’s projects in the Arab Region
Name of unit/sector: WIPO Academy IPTIs Program
Place of Assignment: Remote working (full-time)
Expected duration of assignment: November 15, 2024, to November 15, 2025
1. Background and Objective of the assignment
The WIPO Academy Intellectual Property Training Institutions (hereinafter, IPTIs) Program aims at creating and consolidating national/regional self-sustaining training infrastructure and capacities to build IP knowledge and skills on the ground. The current support provided by the IPTI Program benefits a total of 64 countries, under the following three pillars:
• Establishment of new IPTIs, through:
(i) training their future trainers;
(ii) setting up a Business Plan;
(iii) supporting the curricula development and piloting of future courses to be offered;
(iv) establishing an IPTI Library;
(v) building the IPTIs’ digital presence.
• Joint cooperation projects with established IPTIs to support them in their current capacity-building needs; as well as other projects involving various key stakeholders for leveraging IP to support creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, including projects in the framework of the WIPO’s Build-Back Package;
• Collective services offered for the benefit of all IPTIs.
In this context, the WIPO Academy needs support to implement and monitor its cooperation at a national and regional level under the abovementioned pillars, particularly for projects in the Arab region.
2. Tasks / services
The Contractor will, by November 15th, 2025:
(a) Support the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of ongoing projects, including undertaking research, making proposals, preparing related documentation and compiling information, particularly for Arab countries;
(b) Assist in the preparatory work, planning and organization of training of trainers’ modules and other training activities;
(c) Contribute to the preparation of action plans for the execution of joint cooperation projects and activities requested by existing IPTIs for 2023, including under the Build Back Fund.
(d) Assist in the execution of the abovementioned projects and activities, focused on skill-based training which target key domestic economic sectors;
(e) Coordinate the responses to new requests for cooperation and support the related needs assessment processes;
(f) Assist in the update of content for the IPTIs’ Moodle Spaces;
(g) Contribute to IPTI Network activities, including organization of events, and the update of public content and member-login area;
(h) Support effective business decisions by the IPTIs Program.
(i) Perform other related duties as required.
3. Reporting
The Contractor will be under the supervision of the Counsellor and the Associate Program Officer of the WIPO Academy IPTIs Program.
4. Profile
The contractor should be a motivated professional, with the following experience, skills, and competencies.
• A university degree in international relations, law, political science, business administration or another related field.
• An advanced degree in intellectual property is desirable.
• Certification in project management / or project design is desirable.
• Minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience in intellectual property and/or capacity-building projects.
• Experience in project management and particularly in project design is desirable.
• Excellent written and spoken knowledge of English and Arabic.
• Other languages UN Languages are an asset, particularly French and / or Spanish.
Job-related competencies
• Excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to communicate effectively, build lasting relationships, and work as a team.
• Strong organizational and time management skills with the ability to work quickly and accurately with a high degree of independence and initiative.
• Sound political judgment and good diplomatic skills.
5. Duration of contract and payment
The contract will start on November 15, 2024, to November 15, 2025. The applicant shall provide an indication of their remuneration expectations in Swiss francs (daily rate). The contract might be renewed upon satisfactory performance and availability of funds.