Mission and objectives
CERFAM is a regional hub for exchanges, partnership-building and South-south cooperation, which allows developing countries to access the best available expertise, knowledge and technical assistance to support them in their efforts to advance in the implementation of SDG2. It facilitates and mobilizes high-level expertise, promotes hunger and nutrition solutions, through proven practices, innovative approaches and pioneering networks and communities of practice connecting national, regional and international stakeholders. CERFAM’s specific objectives are to: Support governments and development partners to advance in their efforts to implement the SDGs, particularly SDG2; Act as a knowledge hub for good practices and lessons learned, by facilitating the identification, documentation, exchange, dissemination, adoption and implementation/scale up of locally owned and durable solutions with effective impact on hunger and malnutrition; Strengthen, establish and mobilize strategic partnerships and alliances to support efforts and lasting solutions against hunger and malnutrition; Contribute to advocacy in the fight against hunger and malnutrition, ensuring synergies and complementarities with partners. The initial and ongoing inclusive and extensive consultations and reviews indicate a growing demand for investment in capacity strengthening from national governments, especially in school feeding and local purchase, post- harvest losses, nutrition sensitive/specific interventions, community resilience, agricultural development. Further consultations and analyzes of Zero Hunger Strategies are planned and are expected to contribute to validating the priority programmatic areas in which CERFAM will focus on.
The Regional Centre of Excellence against Hunger and Malnutrition (CERFAM) and its partners organized a regional seminar on value chain development in West Africa. This high-level meeting resulted in a final report in French, which we have translated into English. However, as this translation was done by French-speaking workers, we would like to benefit from the linguistic expertise of a native English-speaking professional
Task Description
We are looking for one online volunteer to support with proofreading and correction of all possible errors of a document, including spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and incorrect phrasing, to ensure that the report is written in a professional, high-level language.
Competencies and values
Living conditions and remarks