Result of Service
Under the guidance and supervision of the Head of the Secretariat, the consultant will contribute to the following objectives of the Local2030 Coalition: (i) report for the FFD4, (ii) High Impact Initiative on Localization report for the HLPF25, and (iii) report on the interlinkages between global development process in 2025.
Duties and Responsibilities
Background The position is located in the Local2030 Coalition Secretariat, as part of the Global Solutions Division. The Global Solutions Division (GSD) provides programmatic direction for UN-Habitat and is responsible and accountable for the programmatic delivery of the Strategic Plan. The Division leads the tools and methodology production and the integration of the various substantive competencies towards the effective delivery of the Strategic Plan and the mandate of UN-Habitat. It provides substantive training and supports capacity development of Member States and partners. The Local2030 Coalition is the UN system-wide mechanism to advance the crucial engagement of local stakeholders in a systematic way – a common space to mobilise, engage and empower every local actor, everywhere – towards achieving the SDGs. The Coalition is underpinned by the recognition that strategic and committed partnerships are key to ensuring coherence and effectiveness. Inside the UN system, the Local2030 Coalition aims to strengthen coordination between the UN entities’ efforts and expand and deepen their partnerships with local actors to advance the SDGs. The Coalition is co-chaired by UN-Habitat (as the permanent co-chair) and one other UN entity, which rotates every two years (currently FAO). UN-Habitat also leads the Secretariat of the Local2030 Coalition. The Coalition is governed by a Steering Committee and supported by a UN Directors’ Group, which includes senior representatives from various UN Agencies, Offices, Funds and Programmes. The Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG) closely accompanies and supports the work of the Local2030 Coalition. The Local2030 Coalition is engaging in several key global processes related to financing for development, SDG localization, and the broader UN agenda, including the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD4), the High-Level Political Forum 2025 (HLPF25), COP30, and the implementation of the Pact for the Future. As well as related processes, such as the World Forum of Local Economic and the EU-UN Dialogues for SDG Localization. To support these efforts, the Coalition seeks a home-based consultant to document and synthesize findings from various engagements, producing reports that capture key insights, trends, and policy recommendations. Duties and Responsibilities The consultant’s main responsibility will be to document and synthesise the key findings of global, regional, and local consultations and workshops, resulting in reports that will feed into major international processes. Specifically, the consultant will be responsible for the following tasks: Local Way: Road to Seville Process • Collect and analyze inputs from (organized together with the UN Regional Commissions and the Global Task Force for Local and Regional Governments), local workshops (organized by Local2030 Hubs and key partners around the world), and global events (such as the World Forum of Local Economic Development and the EU-UN Dialogues for SDG Localization) in the Local Way’s activities framework. • Document and write a report on the regional consultations, local workshops, and global events which will take place as part of the Local Way: Road to Seville process. • Develop a synthesis report consolidating findings, recommendations and key messages for presentation at FFD4 and beyond. High Impact Initiative on Localization for HLPF25 • Engage with key UN entities that are members of the Local2030 Coalition, Local2030 Hubs, Steering Committee members, and key partners to gather their advancements on achieving the targets of the High Impact Initiative on Localization. • Develop a comprehensive report on the advancements of the High Impact Initiative on Localization. It must be ensured that the report captures the progress, key outcomes, and recommendations emerging from efforts of the Local2030 Coalition network to be presented at HLPF25. Interlinkages between Different Global Development Processes in 2025 • Map out how the findings from the Local2030 Coalition’s work contribute to multiple global processes. • Produce a report with key recommendations and messages demonstrating how consultations and outputs from the Local2030 Coalition’s activities contribute to other major global processes, including the Pact for the Future, COP30, the World Social Summit for Social Development, and other relevant international agendas. Reporting Line The position is located in the Local2030 Coalition Secretariat, as part of the Global Solutions Division. The incumbent will be supervised by the Head and Deputy Head of the Secretariat. The expert will work in proximity to other members of the team, members of the Local2030 Coalition, and key partners involved in these global processes
Qualifications/special skills
An advanced university degree in public affairs, political science, social sciences, urban studies, social sciences, development studies, or other relevant areas is required. A minimum of five (5) years of relevant working experience in research and knowledge and normative development is required. Solid experience in drafting reports, synthesis reports and policy briefs. Working experience on the 2030 Agenda and the local implementation of the SDGs and issues related to sustainable development and local development will be highly valued.
No Fee