Parent Sector : Education Sector (ED)
Duty Station: Paris
Classification of duty station: [[filter12]]
Standard Duration of Assignement : [[filter13]]
Job Family: Education
Type of contract : Non Staff
Duration of contract : From 7 to 11 months
Recruitment open to : Internal and external candidates
Application Deadline (Midnight Paris Time) : 11-OCT-2024
UNESCO Core Values: Commitment to the Organization, Integrity, Respect for Diversity, Professionalism
Candidates who meet the required qualifications are invited to send their application (updated CV and technical and financial offer by 11 October 2024 by submitting their application to:
In February 2023, the Ministry of Education (MoE) of Guyana and its partners signed the endorsement of the Partnership Compact, a document defining the roadmap to achieve Guyana’s education system transformation. The identified priority of the Compact is to “Strengthen Instructional Leadership at District and School Levels”. The objective is to “Promote equitable learning by strengthening culturally responsive and effective instructional leadership and improved accountability at the district and school levels.” To achieve this, the MoE applied for the Global Partnership for Education (GPE)‘s System Transformation Grant (STG), with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) having been selected as the Grant Agent to implement the grant in collaboration with the MoE and with the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) as lead technical partner. The STG will be implemented through a comprehensive four-year programme, relying on two main components: 1) Strengthening school and district leadership with the creation of a Leadership Academy; 2) Improving sector management.
Component 1: Leadership Academy. The aim of this component is to equip district and school leaders for leading transformation in schools and districts by (a) establishing a Leadership Academy (LA) for their continuous training and professional development (PROD) in culturally responsive instructional leadership; and (b) strengthening culturally responsive instructional leadership, planning and data-based decision-making at district and school levels. The component has the following two sub-components.
Sub-component 1.1. Training and Support of District and School Leaders. The Leadership Academy will be a new structure within the education system, with the mandate and capacity to deliver and maintain high quality, relevant, and responsible certification, and continuous professional development programs (CPD) for practicing and aspiring school and district leaders. The initial leadership training program will be of a six-month duration with a common core for both types of leaders, followed by separate school and district leader tracks of three months each. The training will emphasize a hands-on approach in a hybrid modality (in-person and on-line) and both individual and group learning.
Sub-component 1.2. Development and Review of Guidelines. The objective will be to (i) revise/develop guidelines for School Improvement Plans (SIPs) and District Strategic Plans (DSPs) to promote culturally responsive and evidence-based planning; and (ii) review and update guidelines for Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) and School Boards as well as capacity building for the School Boards to increase parent and community engagement in schools and promote culturally responsive leadership practices. The main output of this subcomponent includes revised guidelines for SIPs and DSPs as well as guidelines for PTAs and School Boards.
Component 2. System Improvements. The aim of the component is to revisit and strengthen resource allocation, accountability, and coordination systems by (i) developing a more equitable system for the allocation of human, material, and financial resources to schools; (ii) upgrading desk manuals for district and school leadership to align with the redefined roles and responsibilities under a culturally responsible instructional leadership paradigm; and (iii) improving the systems for collaboration across the system to ensure that district and school leaders are supported in their efforts on instructional leadership. The component has the following subcomponents.
Sub-component 2.1. Resource Allocation: Efficient Allocation and Assignment Mechanism. The aim of this subcomponent is to support the MOE in the development and implementation of: (i) a resource allocation mechanism consistent with budgetary provisions to regions and schools; and (ii) a revised teacher allocation policy and assignment mechanism.
Sub-component 2.2. Improving Accountability. This subcomponent will include a capacity analysis of district and school leaders in Guyana, the upgrading of desk manuals, including job descriptions and organigrams, for district and school leaders, and the improvement of communication and coordination among schools, regional departments, and central units of the MoE. Attention will also be given to the criteria for selecting district and school leaders.
Specifically, the consultant will be tasked to:
Component 1. Leadership Academy:
Sub-component 1.1: Training and Support of District and School Leaders
Subcomponent 1.2: Development and Review of Guidelines
Component 2. System improvements
Sub-component 2.2: Improving Accountability
The consultant is expected to fulfil these activities during the first year of the project, in consultation with the IIEP project manager, as indicated below :
Activity report including the following products (January 2025)
A. Leadership academy design:
B. School planning and PTA/School Boards guidelines:
C. Capacity analysis tool:
Activity report including the following products (April 2025):
A. School planning and PTA / School Boards guidelines:
B. District planning guidelines:
Activity report including the following products (July 2025):
A. Leadership academy design:
B. District planning guidelines:
C. School planning and PTA/School Boards planning guidelines:
D. Capacity analysis tool:
Activity report including the following products (October 2025):
A. Leadership academy design:
B. Leadership academy common core:
C. District planning guidelines:
D. District, school planning and PTA/school Boards planning guidelines:
E. Leadership Development Framework and Leadership System Overview:
F. Collaboration within the system:
Language requirements
The consultant will complete the tasks specified in this contract under the overall authority of the IIEP Director and the Technical Cooperation Team lead. S/he will report directly to the IIEP project lead for the Guyana Project, in close collaboration with the IIEP-MoE-IDB team.
The consultant will participate in weekly meetings with the IIEP project management team to assess progress on the tasks. The consultant will submit to the project lead draft workplans and outlines in relation to each expected deliverable. The consultant will be expected to attend progress meetings with the IIEP project team, the MoE, IDB and GPE, as well as other meetings related to the project and to the tasks covered by this consultancy.
This consultancy is for 11 months.
This Consultancy is home-based with frequent travel to Guyana (at least twice (2) during the consultancy). IIEP will cover travel costs according to UN travel rules (air tickets, DSA, visa to travel to Guyana) when travel to Guyana is identified. All travel will have to be organised by the consultant themself, including the visa required.
To carry out this work, IIEP will provide the consultant with all the administrative and analytical documentation available in relation to the work. IIEP will, if necessary, facilitate contacts with institutions and individuals who the consultant wishes to meet in the context of this consultancy, as well as provide logistical support.
Use of IIEP-UNESCO style guide
The consultant should refer to the IIEP-UNESCO style guide (Attachment C) when drafting the reports envisaged within the framework of the tasks of this consultancy. S/he should use the institutional templates provided by the IIEP project team when making PowerPoint presentations and drafting reports.
Payment is conditional on the completion of the tasks and the satisfactory submission of the deliverables within the deadlines defined above, unless otherwise agreed with the project leader.
Candidates who meet the required qualifications are invited to apply before the 11th October 2024 by submitting:
NOTE: The CV together with the technical and financial proposal must be sent to the email address [email protected] for the file to be eligible. The technical and financial offer should briefly outline:
Applications that do not include this information will not be considered for the following phases of the counting process.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The consultant may be selected before the date indicated above. Only retained candidates will be contacted
Please note that all candidates must complete an on-line application and provide complete and accurate information. To apply, please visit the UNESCO careers website. No modifications can be made to the application submitted.
The evaluation of candidates is based on the criteria in the vacancy notice, and may include tests and/or assessments, as well as a competency-based interview.
UNESCO uses communication technologies such as video or teleconference, e-mail correspondence, etc. for the assessment and evaluation of candidates.
Please note that only selected candidates will be further contacted and candidates in the final selection step will be subject to reference checks based on the information provided.
UNESCO recalls that paramount consideration in the appointment of staff members shall be the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, technical competence and integrity. UNESCO applies a zero-tolerance policy against all forms of harassment. UNESCO is committed to achieving and sustaining equitable and diverse geographical distribution, as well as gender parity among its staff members in all categories and at all grades. Furthermore, UNESCO is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Candidates from non- and under-represented Member States (last update here) are particularly welcome and strongly encouraged to apply. Individuals from minority groups and indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality. Worldwide mobility is required for staff members appointed to international posts.
UNESCO does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process.
Please note that UNESCO is a non-smoking Organization.