Organizational Setting
FAO’s commitment to environmental sustainability is integral to our strategic objectives and operations.
The Fisheries and Aquaculture Division (NFI) is responsible for all FAO activities related to the environmental, economic, social, institutional, governance and policy issues in fisheries and aquaculture, including their sustainable development with particular emphasis on human wellbeing, food security and poverty reduction. The Division is responsible for the collection, compilation, validation, trend analysis and dissemination of the best available and up-to-date global, regional and national statistics on production, consumption, trade and livelihoods, including sustainability status.
The Division is also responsible for FAO’s activities related to the management and conservation of the living aquatic resources used by fisheries and aquaculture, including biodiversity and ecosystem maintenance, with particular emphasis on most vulnerable and threatened species and habitats; management of responsible fisheries and aquaculture in accordance with modern management standards and best practices with due regard for the protection of the environment and the wellbeing of fishing communities; and the development of fisheries technology, including the safety of fishers and fishing vessels. It also conducts analysis and promotes post-harvest utilization, marketing and use of fisheries and aquaculture products in the context of FAO’s mandate to eliminate hunger and poverty. The Division also develops normative guidelines and has a varied and extensive field programme around the world.
This post is located in the Equitable Fisheries Livelihoods Team in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division (NFI) at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy and will help guide and contribute to NFI’s strategies and implementation of work to achieve FAO’s ‘Four Betters’.
Reporting Lines
The Senior Fishery Officer (Inland Fisheries) reports to the Deputy Director (Sustainable Fisheries), NFI.
Technical Focus
The Senior Fishery Officer (Inland Fisheries) leads NFI’s work on inland fisheries, developing and managing the related programme of work and staff. Responsibilities include raising the profile of inland fisheries both within and outside of FAO, working with other relevant teams in NFI and FAO, as well as with relevant external partners, including the development or adaptation of tools and approaches (in multiple fields) to the specific needs of inland fisheries. The role also entails the development of field programmes and projects to support Members and other relevant partners in their efforts for the sustainable development and management of inland fisheries for food, nutrition and livelihood security, taking into account the multiple uses of inland waters and the need to include fisheries in these uses. The work will require important cross-cutting skills in fisheries and experience related to the use and management of water and land systems, rural systems and socio-economic issues in fisheries.
Key Results
Leadership and technical policy expertise for the planning, development and implementation of Divisional programmes of work, projects, products and services in accordance with the FAO Strategic Framework.
Key Functions
- Plans, manages or leads highly specialized or multidisciplinary teams; leads, coordinates and/or participates in Organization-wide, cross-divisional committees, project teams and working groups, and/or provides technical leadership/secretariat services on technical networks and/or international technical policy and standard setting bodies.
- Analyses global and country specific requirements and relevant technical issues to provide critical input into the FAO Strategic Framework, Programme of Work and Budget, work plans and the supporting budgets and/or resourcing strategies.
- Implements and monitors programmes of work involving the development of the approach, evidence-based strategies and related tools, methodologies and the supporting system/database, monitoring and reporting frameworks.
- Conducts, designs and oversees research and analysis activities to support the development of technical standards, international instruments, innovation, technical reports, publications and/or on-going programme development as well as the provision of technical and/or policy advisory services.
- Provides technical and policy advice to Members and technical support to Decentralized Offices in the development and implementation of their programmes.
- Leads and/or collaborates in, provides technical backstopping to, and ensures the quality/effectiveness of capacity development and knowledge sharing activities within Members such as policy support, organizational development and individual learning events, including preparation of related information, learning and on-line tools.
- Represents the Organization at international meetings and conferences, identifies and implements strategic partnerships, advocates best practices and increased policy dialogue and develops and negotiates effective working relationships/consensus and agreements with international and national stakeholders.
- Leads and/or participates in resource mobilization activities in accordance with the FAO Strategic Framework.
Specific Functions
- Leads and supervises the inland fisheries work programme within the NFI Equitable Fisheries Livelihoods Team, developing and coordinating the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Division’s (NFI) strategy to support global inland fisheries.
- Promotes inland fisheries at the international, regional and national levels, especially with regard to attracting financial or other contributions to its work programme by providing communication, resource mobilization and promotion strategies for inland fisheries.
- Leads, in collaboration with relevant NFI teams, FAO’s analysis and tracking of the status of global inland fisheries, including leading the preparation of the regular publication, “State of global inland fisheries” as well as national and regional assessment of inland fisheries and their publication in the appropriate FAO publication series.
- Manages FAO’s collaboration and partnerships related to inland fisheries outside FAO and with other NFI teams, FAO units and Divisions/Offices/Centres.
- Advocates within NFI and with other FAO Divisions/Offices/Centres and provides technical guidance and support as needed, to ensure that inland fisheries issues are properly addressed in their field projects and technical publications as appropriate.
- Develops and maintains external liaisons with organizations, institutions and partners relevant to inland fisheries and NFI’s work in this domain.
- Participates in and provides technical information and advice on inland fisheries to FAO task forces and statutory bodies (e.g. FAO Committee on Fisheries, FAO Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management, Regional Fishery Bodies).
- Leads, co-leads or contributes as appropriate to the development of tools (and capacity building for their use) for improved management of inland fisheries applying the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries.
- Contributes specific inland fisheries knowledge to NFI’s work on strengthening approaches for data-poor assessment methods to inform management of inland fisheries (including Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Rapid Assessment approaches, etc).
- Develops and contributes technical advice and support to the implementation of regional and country-level projects that are related to inland fisheries.