Mission and objectives
The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. We work with partners to integrate qualified, highly motivated and well supported UN Volunteers into development programming and promote the value and global recognition of volunteerism.
. Online Volunteer will contribute to sustainable talent acquisition and talent partnerships, develop knowledge and skills, expanding networks and working in a multicultural environment.
Task Description
Online Volunteer will research the labour market, recruitment trends and practices in Moldova. More specifically, the task includes: – Identifying talent acquisition related contacts and/or organizations, communities, events, media and platforms available in the country and providing brief summary on their specifications (target audiences, efficiencies, costs, etc) – Researching and analysing the specifics of certain sector labour market analysis, like IT, development, human rights, etc. – Reporting on the use of social media platforms for job search (groups, boards, etc) – Providing an analysis of the labour market in the country Basically, Online Volunteer will be providing the local context in talent acquisition and recruitment in Russia, including the targeted outreach opportunities to young talents in the country.
Competencies and values
Living conditions and remarks