Team Lead (Emergency Preparedness and Response Team)

N'Djamena, Chad
$77,326 Expires in 3 days



La mission du Programme OMS de gestion des situations d’urgence sanitaire (le Programme) est d’apporter un soutien aux pays et de coordonner l’action internationale en matiere de prevention et de detection des flambees epidemiques, ainsi qu’en matiere de preparation, de riposte diligente et de relevement face aux situations d’urgence.


1. Diriger le programme d’action d’urgence de l’OMS au niveau national ou infranational. 2. Conseiller le ministere de la Sante sur la mise en place ou le renforcement d’un systeme de gestion des situations d’urgence ou d’un centre d’operations d’urgence (IMS/EOC) pour une action d’urgence multisectorielle, dont les attributions seraient definies et qui disposerait d’un personnel et de ressources pour les principaux domaines fonctionnels. Fournir un appui pour la realisation de tests reguliers du systeme d’intervention d’urgence par la conduite d’exercices fonctionnels aux niveaux national et local. 3. Coordonner l’elaboration, la diffusion et l’utilisation des modes operatoires normalises (MON) pour le systeme de gestion des incidents(IMS) et les activites de terrain en vue de la gestion des risques prioritaires, notamment la surveillance renforcee, l’investigation et la riposte rapide, la recherche des contacts, l’echantillonnage, la lutte antiinfectieuse, la vaccination, etc.4. Superviser la gestion et la distribution des stocks nationaux de medicaments par le biais de systemes de gestion des stocks. Renforcer et tester les systemes de gestion des situations d’urgence 5. Coordonner tous les aspects du programme national d’action d’urgence pour garantir l’approche concertee de l’OMS dans les domaines de la gestion des informations sur les situations d’urgence, de la preparation des pays et du Reglement sanitaire international (2005), de l’evaluation des risqueset de la gestion des risques infectieux. 6. Apporter un appui aux autorites sanitaires nationales et locales et etablir des partenaires avec les institutions des Nations Unies, des organisations et institutions internationales, gouvernementales et nongouvernementales. 7. Representer l’OMS aupres des parties prenantes externes, y compris les donateurs et les partenaires, concernant les operations dans les pays; agir en synergie avec d’autres institutions et ONG internationalesa travers l’approche par groupe de responsabilite sectorielle et directement en qualite de partenaire de mise en oeuvre operationnelle.8. Diriger les activites de planification, de formulation, de mise en oeuvre et de suivi-evaluation des strategies, des plans operationnels et des plans de ressources humaines pour l’ensemble des actions de preparation, de riposte et de relevement de l’OMS face aux situations d’urgence suivant le ERF.9. Superviser l’elaboration d’un plan de travail et d’un budget detaille axe sur des taches pour l’execution des activite s prioritaires identifiees dans le plan national d’action d’urgence. Veillera ce que le pays dispose des ressources necessaires tant materiel qu’humaine pour une riposte immediate face aux situations d’urgence y compris les epidemies. 10. Assurer le suivi et fournir desconseils et des informations aux hauts responsables et aux elus, au besoin, sur l’etat d’avancement et d’execution des activites de preparation operationnelle, conformement au plan d’action national et tout au long du cycle de la situation d’urgence.



Essential: Avoir un Master en sante publique, epidemiologie, services d’urgence, actions humanitaires, gestion des catastrophes ou dans un domaine connexe, delivres par une institution reconnue ou un diplome d’etudes superieures en medecine ou autre domaine apparente.
Desirable: Une formation specialisee en gestion des risques sanitaires ou en gestion des situations d’urgence et des flambees epidemiques, ou une formation specifique en action humanitaire


Essential: Au moins sept (07) annees d’experience professionnelle pertinente aux niveaux national et international, dans les domaines de la coordination des actions multisectorielles, du renforcement des capacites de pays et de la riposte face aux situationsd ‘urgence et de catastrophe, y compris les flambees de maladies infectieuses,les catastrophes naturelles ou des situations d’urgence complexes; une experience dans la coordination des activites operationnelles de preparation et de riposte aux cotes d’une diversite d’acteurs.
Desirable: Une expeeience pratique pertinente acquise au sein del’OMS, dans d’autres institutions des NationsUnies ou aupres des partenaires du Groupe sectoriel pour la santee ainsi qu’une experience acquise dans des organisations non gouvernementales ou humanitaires du secteur.


Une connaissance averee des operations de reaction rapide et de leur mise en oeuvre dans des situations d’urgence de sante publique, ainsi qu’une grande capacitea identifier eta gerer des situations difficiles, a diriger et a encadrer une equipe pluridisciplinaire et multinationale.D’excellentes competences dans l’evaluation, le suivi, l’analyse et la gestion des situations d’urgence, ainsi qu’une capacitea concevoir eta mettre en oeuvre des strategies innovantes, et a promouvoir leur mise en A“uvre. – Une connaissance approfondie et fiable de la theorie, des principes, des methodes et techniques du systeme international des incidents d’urgence. – Des competences operationnelles solides en matiere de gestion et de coordination des programmes humanitaires, notamment une gestion efficace des ressources humaines et financieres.

WHO Competencies

Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences
Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond
Creating an empowering and motivating environment
Creating an empowering and motivating environment

Use of Language Skills

Essential: Intermediate knowledge of English. Expert knowledge of French.
Desirable: Intermediate knowledge of Autres Langues UN .
The above language requirements are interchangeable.


WHO salaries for staff in the Professional category are calculated in US dollars. The remuneration for the above position comprises an annual base salary starting at USD 77,326 (subject to mandatory deductions for pension contributions and health insurance, as applicable), a variable post adjustment, which reflects the cost of living in a particular duty station, and currently amounts to USD 4130 per month for the duty station indicated above. Other benefits include 30 days of annual leave, allowances for dependent family members, home leave, and an education grant for dependent children.


  • This vacancy notice may be used to fill other similar positions at the same grade level
  • Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.
  • A written test and/or an asynchronous video assessment may be used as a form of screening.
  • In the event that your candidature is retained for an interview, you will be required to provide, in advance, a scanned copy of the degree(s)/diploma(s)/certificate(s) required for this position. WHO only considers higher educational qualifications obtained from an institution accredited/recognized in the World Higher Education Database (WHED), a list updated by the International Association of Universities (IAU)/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The list can be accessed through the link: Some professional certificates may not appear in the WHED and will require individual review.
  • According to article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Due regard will be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.
  • Any appointment/extension of appointment is subject to WHO Staff Regulations, Staff Rules and Manual.
  • Staff members in other duty stations are encouraged to apply.
  • The WHO is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. The WHO recruits and employs staff regardless of disability status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, race, marital status, religious, cultural, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, or any other personal characteristics.
  • Persons with disabilities can request reasonable accommodations to enable participation in the recruitment process. Requests for reasonable accommodation should be sent through an email to [email protected]
  • An impeccable record for integrity and professional ethical standards is essential. WHO prides itself on a workforce that adheres to the highest ethical and professional standards and that is committed to put the WHO Values Charter into practice.
  • WHO has zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct (i.e., discrimination, abuse of authority and harassment). All members of the WHO workforce have a role to play in promoting a safe and respectful workplace and should report to WHO any actual or suspected cases of SEA, sexual harassment and other types of abusive conduct. To ensure that individuals with a substantiated history of SEA, sexual harassment or other types of abusive conduct are not hired by the Organization, WHO will conduct a background verification of final candidates.
  • Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with WHO and an underlying premise of the international civil service. Candidates appointed to an international post with WHO are subject to mobility and may be assigned to any activity or duty station of the Organization throughout the world.
  • WHO also offers wide range of benefits to staff, including parental leave and attractive flexible work arrangements to help promote a healthy work-life balance and to allow all staff members to express and develop their talents fully.
  • The statutory retirement age for staff appointments is 65 years. For external applicants, only those who are expected to complete the term of appointment will normally be considered.
  • Please note that WHO’s contracts are conditional on members of the workforce confirming that they are vaccinated as required by WHO before undertaking a WHO assignment, except where a medical condition does not allow such vaccination, as certified by the WHO Staff Health and Wellbeing Services (SHW). The successful candidate will be asked to provide relevant evidence related to this condition. A copy of the updated vaccination card must be shared with WHO medical service in the medical clearance process. Please note that certain countries require proof of specific vaccinations for entry or exit. For example, official proof /certification of yellow fever vaccination is required to enter many countries. Country-specific vaccine recommendations can be found on the WHO international travel and Staff Health and Wellbeing website. For vaccination-related queries please directly contact SHW directly at [email protected].
  • WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or users of any form of tobacco.
  • In case the website does not display properly, please retry by: (i) checking that you have the latest version of the browser installed (Chrome, Edge or Firefox); (ii) clearing your browser history and opening the site in a new browser (not a new tab within the same browser); or (iii) retry accessing the website using Mozilla Firefox browser or using another device. Click this link for detailed guidance on completing job applications: Instructions for candidates
Chad, N'Djamena
