The overall goal of the Departmentof UHC/Health Systemsis to strengthen health systems in ways that accelerates progress efficientlyand equitably towards universal health coverage (UHC) and other health-relatedSustainable Development Goaltargets, promotes health, and advances healthsecurity. This is done inter alia through the following strategic directions:1. Buildingback better health systems in the backdrop of COVID-19 based on a strongprimary health care foundation for resilience and rapid progress towards UHC.2. Strengtheningprimary health care systems and integrated services as well as adapting primarycare services to changing needs, backed up by appropriate care at the secondaryand tertiary levels, with attention to safetyquality and equity – includinggender;3. Systematicallyaddressing social, economic, environmental and commercial determinants ofhealth through evidence-informed public policies and actions across all sectorsto advance health for all;4. Empoweringpeople, families, and communities to take control of their health, as advocatesfor policies that promote and protect health, as co-developers of health andsocial services through social and community participation, and as self-carersand care-givers to others; and5. Ensuringpeople’s main health problems are addressed through comprehensive promotive,protective, preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and palliative carethroughout the life course, strategically prioritizing key services aimed atthe population (e.g., public health functions) and personal services (e.g., integratedprimary care) as the central elements of integrated service delivery across alllevels of care.
Under the overallguidance of the Director, Department of UHC/Health Systems and the directsupervision of the Coordinator – Integrated Health Services, Department of UHC/Health Systems the incumbent willcarry out the following duties: Collaborate with technicaldepartments and units within UHC/health systems and beyond to ensureintegration of various public health programmes in the implementation of SEAsia Regional Strategy on PHC, aligned with other regional strategic frameworks;Coordinate the design of frameworks and guidelines for the Member Statesand their institutions through preparation of technical reports, discussionpapers and technical studies based on research and analytical work in the areaof integrated primary and hospital care services and facilitate effective dissemination;Provide technical support to Member States and coordinate with partnersto strengthen their capacity to design and implement healthcare deliveryservices and management, ensuring quality and safe continuum of care acrosslevels, including on investment for health service infrastructure, health facility management; Coordinate and facilitate evidence generation throughtechnical assistance to Member States, in measuring and monitoring progress and performance of health service provision forequitable and people-centred integrated quality care with emphasis on primary health care; Be the focal point infostering collaboration across programmes, sectors and all partners, NGOs IGOs oninitiativesand activities related to the organization, management and delivery of hospitalcare services, as well as of health services management in general;Provide policy advice to Member States in the development and/oradaptation of their national health policies, strategies and plans in supportof the implementation of hospital care services and management, as well as ofhealth services management in general; Contribute to development and dissemination of norms, standards,guidelines, tools and new technologies for the advancement of hospital careservices and management, as well as of health services management in general; Support the process of monitoring and evaluating the performance ofhospitals that are well integrated with the rest of the health care deliverysystem and social services; Support knowledge management, action-learning cycles, and implementationresearch on hospital care services and management, as well as of healthservices management in general; Collaborate in the development of communities of practice, alliances andnetworks in support of hospital care services and management, as well as healthservices management in general, including the development of a Web-basedplatform on people-centred and integrated health services; Any other related task ofthe department assigned by the supervisors; and 12. Submit an end of assignment report (mandatory)
Essential: University degree in Medicine, health services management, hospital administration orrelated health sciences
Desirable: Post graduate degree in public health or public healthmanagement.
Essential: At least five years of experience in healthcarefacility management, and health services organization in low- and middle-incomecountries. Demonstrated exposure at international level.
Desirable: Experience in quality improvement programmes, healthsystem management, hospital organization, management and integrated delivery atfacility and district levels. Relevant work experience in WHO or in the UN system would be an asset.
Strong analytical, planning and operational skills.Knowledge and skills in data collection and developing publications. Good interpersonal skills.Good project management skills and ability to manage multiple tasks incomplex organizational environment.
Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences
Creating an empowering and motivating environment
Ensuring the effective use of resources
Essential: Expert knowledge of English.
Desirable: Expert knowledge of English.
WHO salaries for staff in the Professional category are calculated in US dollars. The remuneration for the above position comprises an annual base salary starting at USD 64,121 (subject to mandatory deductions for pension contributions and health insurance, as applicable), a variable post adjustment, which reflects the cost of living in a particular duty station, and currently amounts to USD 2250 per month for the duty station indicated above. Other benefits include 30 days of annual leave, allowances for dependent family members, home leave, and an education grant for dependent children.