UNODC_Finance and Administration Analyst

negotiable Expired 2 years ago
This job has expired.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP:  we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a ‘leave no one behind’ approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and inspiring stories.
UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
  1. Context

The United NationsOffice on Drugs and Crime(UNODC) is the United Nations(UN) entity responsible for the fight against illicit drugs and transnational crime in its various aspects. The agency provides technical cooperation to UN member states in the areas of drug control and crime prevention, including prevention and control of organized crime, corruption, money laundering, wildlife crime, trafficking in persons, smuggling of migrants and terrorism, among other crimes, based on respect for and guarantee of human rights. UNODC has a Liaison and Partnership Office in Mexico including the UNODC-INEGI Center of Excellence in Statistical Information on Government, Crime, Victimization and Justice (CoE) in Mexico City.

The UNODC-INEGI Center of Excellence aims to strengthen the processes and analysis of statistical information on government, public safety, victimization and justice in Latin America, by providing tools for data collection and analysis, training seminars , creation of statistical knowledge, promotion of methodologies and international standards, as well as the development of research. For more information, please visit:

As part of these activities, the Center of Excellence providestechnical assistance to all countries that are in the process of adopting the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes(ICCS). This classification is the international standard for recording and classifying statistical information on security and justice. For its correct implementation, UNODC offers training, remote assistance, document review, methodological guidance and other types of related assistance. For more information on ICCS, please visit:

  1. Objective

The operational analyst will supervise and conduct the operational, financial and administrative processes necessary to carry out all activities foreseen in the work plan of the project, in support also to the Center of Excellence, in accordance and in line with the guidelines, rules and standards established by UNODC.

  1. Foreseen activities

The selected professional will work closely with UNODC, its partner organizations, national authorities, and other counterparts to ensure the efficient flow of information and the implementation, with excellence, of the Project’sprocesses. To achievethis objective, the following indicative activities are foreseen:

  • Manage -under the supervision of the projectCoordinator- the budgetaryand financial management of the component of the project.
  • Prepare financial reports to support decision making, as requested by the Coordinator or the Operations Unit.
  • Lead the preparation of budget projections required by the different areas that interact with the project.
  • Maintain dual record (virtual and physical) of the project’s budgetary and financial management.
  • Support using the Umoja platform, in the monitoring and management of the use of resources relatedto the operation of the project, maintaining a constant flow of communication and support with the Operations Unit, UNODC Headquarters and UNODC Mexico.
  • Manage and follow up, through the Umoja platform, the processes required for travel, procurement of goods and/orservices, as well as human resources recruitment.
  • Accompany the preparation of terms of reference for the procurement of goods and services required by the project, as well as for the recruitment of personnel.
  • Support in the logistical planning for the implementation of workshops, trainings, missions and meetings with counterparts and/or consultants (budgets, hotel reservations, requests for expenses related to travel, rooms, attendance list of participants, etc.).
  • Establish an active communication channel with the Operations Unit to comply with the guidelines, provisions and operational rules in each process, ensuring adherence to the regulations of the process manuals and best practices.
  • Complete other activities connected to the contract, as necessary.
  1. Qualification requirements:


  • University degree in management, international business, accounting or finance.

Work experience

  • Aminimum of 5 years of work experience in administrative functions, budget control and logistics.
  • Previous experience in the use of ERP, such as SAP or Umoja, isrequired Idiomas
  • Proficiency in Englishand Spanish.

Other requirements

  • Excellent writing and text analysisskills
  • Ability to write technical reports
  • Tobe a Mexican citizen in full exerciseof his/her rights,or a foreigner, whose immigration status allows the function to be performed
  • Technical abilities on organization, follow-up, planning and monitoring of specific objectives
  • Experience within the United NationsSystem will be an advantage


  • INTEGRITY – commitment to the valuesand principles of the UnitedNations and personal integrity
  • COMMITMENT – with the vision, missionand strategic goals of the organization
  • SENSITIVITY – adaptability withoutpersonal prejudice regarding intercultural issues, gender, religion, race, nationality and age
  • RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY – work effectively with people of any race, gender, beliefs, etc.
  • RESULTS FOCUS – customer oriented and respondeffectively to feedback
  • TEAMWORK – proactive attitude and affinity for a participative work style, demonstrating openness to change and ability to handle complex issues.


This job has expired.
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