negotiable Expired 10 months ago
This job has expired.




The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.


GGGI is implementing a project funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) entitled: “Green Rehabilitation Investment Project for Karakalpakstan Republic to address impacts of the Aral Sea Crisis (Aral Sea GRIP)”. More information about GGGI’s Aral Sea GRIP can be found on the project webpage

The project works towards four Outcomes:

Outcome 1. Aral Sea Development Program adopted and enacted by Karakalpakstan.

Outcome 2. Dehkan and private farmers have increased resilience to climate and Aral Sea disaster risks.

Outcome 3. Local entrepreneurs of Karakalpakstan are equipped with climate resilient agri-business models.

Outcome 4. Successful climate resilient agriculture Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises agri-MSMEs & farmers across Karakalpakstan have improved access to finance from commercial banks & government green financing.

As part of its Outcome 4, the project aims to assist the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in identifying and evaluating projects related to Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Sustainable Farming The assignment involves defining a project’s pipeline, due diligence process, and financial scenario analysis. To carry out these tasks, a senior consultant is required to support the government liaison and to lead the development of investment project pipeline in the agriculture sector in close collaboration with the MoA.


The objective of the Consultancy is to lead technical assistance to the MoA and support the adequate liaison between the Ministry and GGGI for building government capacity for investment project pipeline development and evaluation in the agriculture sector. A Senior Consultant (“Consultant”) will be hired for this assignment who will work closely with the Technical Consultant who is tasked to conduct due diligence and financial analysis for potential investment projects.

The Consultant will work under the overall guidance of the Country Representative (CR) of GGGI Uzbekistan, or delegated supervisor, and in close consultation with the Project Manager (PM), as well as Senior Officer on Green Growth Policy and Government Liaison.



The Consultant will lead the below activities in close collaboration with the Technical Consultant and the MoA.

  1. Lead consultations with MoA Investment team, other relevant departments of the Ministry, and key stakeholders in developing an engagement plan for identification and appraising projects linked to climate-smart agriculture and Sustainable Farming and implementing the plan.
  2. Conduct a review of investment projects the Ministry of Agriculture is developing and has in the pipeline.
  3. Provide guidance to the Technical Consultant on key criteria, methodologies, and process for the identification and assessment of investment projects linked to climate-smart agriculture and Sustainable Farming.
    1. Develop a pipeline of green investment projects for the Ministry of Agriculture based on the criteria and methodologies provided in close collaboration with the Technical Consultant.
    2. Maintain frequent formal and informal contact with counterparts in other organizations.
      1. Coordinate the organization of and lead the meetings with government counterparts, experts, development partners, and Civil Society Develop in relevant issues requested by GGGI.
      2. Facilitate government support in obtaining necessary information of relevant government policies, regulations, and data.
      3. Lead the organization of a workshop with government officials to share the findings and recommendations.
      4. Develop the final report with the summary of the consultancy.


  1. Work plan

One (1) detailed work plan that includes at least the following aspects:

  • Methodology, approach, phases, deadlines, and responsibilities.
  • Detailed schedule.
  1. Stakeholder engagement plan
  • Develop a comprehensive stakeholder mapping that includes all relevant actors for defining the investment project pipeline. Create an engagement plan to ensure participation and information collection.
  • During the development of this deliverable, the consultant must schedule bilateral meetings with stakeholders and conduct at least one (1) workshop to gather more information.
  1. Review of potential investment projects of the MoA
  • Support the MoA and the Technical Consultant in assessing the current system of project identification/selection/assessment.
  • Lead and support the MoA in identifying potential investment projects linked to climate-smart agriculture and Sustainable Farming. Review the current status of those investment projects and identify future opportunities or challenges.
  • Support the Technical Consultant in defining the technical due diligence process.


  1. Pipeline of projects and recommendations for implementation
  • Create a pipeline of green projects considering the information collected and the process and methodologies developed together with the Technical Consultant. The Consultant should clearly present project identification and assessment criteria and methodologies and include key project information such as project overview, investment opportunity, and projects characteristics including, but not limited to project site, total Investment, proposed capital structure, potential funding sources (government budget, donor financing (loan/equity/grant), private capital, etc), key stakeholders, timeline, climate mitigation/adaptation impact, and economic and financial feasibility, scale-up potential among other relevant information. Selected projects should highlight key features and benefits in light of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Sustainable Farming.
  • Provide recommendations for project implementation.
  • This pipeline needs to be approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and should include the recommendations for implementation.
  1. Capacity building workshop
  • Capacity building workshop with government officials to share the findings and recommendations.


  1. Final report
  • Document and presentation with a summary of the Consultancy.
  • The final report should be prepared in close collaboration with the Technical Consultant incorporating his/her technical inputs.

The timeline for the submission of the deliverables and related payments is as follows:

Deliverables, timeline and payments Reporting Arrangements

Payment Deliverables Timeline (% of the total value)
1. Work plan Within 2 weeks upon signing a contract. 10%
2. Stakeholder engagement plan

Review of potential investment projects

Within 6 weeks upon signing a contract. 25%
3. Draft of the Pipeline of green projects and recommendations for implementation Within 10 weeks upon signing a contract. 25%
4. Pipeline of green projects and recommendations for implementation Within 14 weeks upon signing a contract. 25%
5. Capacity building workshop TBD
6. Final Report Within 16 weeks upon signing a contract. 15%

* All payments are subject to GGGI’s approval of deliverables

** All Key deliverables to be Delivered in English and Uzbek language.


Minimum qualifications:

  • Postgraduate education (or equivalent professional experience) in the field of Agricultural/Environmental/Development Economics, Policy/Political Science, Sustainable development, Finance/Investment, Environmental/natural resources management, or other related subjects.
  • At least 15 years of relevant postgraduate professional experience.
  • Strong network with the high-level government officials, preferably in the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Investment, and the Ministry of Economy and Finance and key public agencies.
  • Demonstrated experience in and in-dept understanding of investment project assessment process and strategic policy and investment document development relevant to agriculture.
  • Strong cross-sectoral understanding of development challenges in Uzbekistan, and of Uzbekistan’s green growth policy and investment context.
  • Outstanding interpersonal, engagement, and consensus-building skills, ability to foster strong relationships with key government agencies, private sector and understand their needs.
  • Experience in project cycle management, leadership of project teams.
  • Experience in engaging with multiple stakeholders, including financial institutions, government institutions, NGOs, civil society, others.
  • Excellent fluency in English, Russian and Uzbek Languages, both written and verbal required.
Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


This job has expired.
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