UNV jobs: Web Content Writing for Mental Health Website. Requirements: Willingness to volunteer and Possession of required skills. Roles: Study various mental health terminologies, researches, ideas and extract the best of them to include in our website
Mission and objectives
Universal versatile society is a non-political, non-communal and nonprofit making, non-governmental voluntary social organization registered under Societies Registration Act-XXI of 1860 with Registration No. Maha/514/05/Akola on dated 30/06/2005 by the authority of Govt. of Maharashtra’s Asstt. Registrar of Societies, Akola Region – India. Our Mission: ‘Dedicate to serve the community, nation and world by connecting the donors with community-based projects, coordinate the available resources and expertise to promote sustainable development in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals.’ Objectives of the organization: 1. To promote socially, culturally, economically, and/or ecologically sustainable goals through our advocacy projects and transform a village Nagthana into eco village. 2. To save the life of farmers in Vidarbha by serving them through Mental Health Project in 128 villages. 3. To reset the agro-economy of rural Vidarbha through deployment of regenerative agriculture practices which further facilitate marketing of produce through ‘Family Farmer’ project. 4. To encourage learning in local environment by rejuvenate public schools through digitalization and Project Based Learning concept which ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote learning opportunities for all. 5. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. 6. To utilize the potential of women in society and empower them through education and involving them in community development mission.
UNV jobs Context
UVS is working in the Vidarbha region of India, where every eight hours one farmer has committed suicide since 2006. Our organization’s project ‘Psychiatric Rehabilitation of Farmers’ is dedicated to addressing this issue through which we are giving doorstep services to the beneficiaries which consist of early identification, assessment, and treatment of mental illness. Our identification method consists of doorstep surveying through a PHQ-12 questionnaire. Acutely depressed patients are treated in Civil Hospital for free. Reaching out to the masses, bringing ease and convenience in the identification of vulnerable beneficiaries, and achieving sustainability of the project are some of the challenges we are confronting which may be better addressed through a better website. The contribution of online volunteers in content writing will help us to develop a comprehensive website dedicated to mental health that will help the masses to deal with mental illness and related diseases. Selected volunteers will get an opportunity to utilize their expertise and skill set to see the on-ground impact of their contribution which contributes to the SDG3 on Good Health and Well-being.
UNV jobs Task Description
Our organization is working on a mental health thematic area and we are developing a dedicated website for this area. The selected Online Volunteers are expected to support with the following: 1) Study various mental health terminologies, researches, ideas and extract the best of them to include in our website. 2) From the extracted content, prepare own writing material on various topics that include (but are not limited to) mental health resources, solutions, and supports. 3) One of the selected volunteers may work on organizing, sequencing, and placing the data at appropriate locations. He/she is expected to have basic knowledge of website development but it is not mandatory. We already have the website structure and design ready with us. Our team may provide complete guidelines about what has to be researched and what areas where volunteers need to work on.
Competencies and values
Living conditions and remarks
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