Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons


Company Detail

Working together for a world free of chemical weapons

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, which entered into force on 29 April 1997. The OPCW, with its 193 Member States, oversees the global endeavour to permanently and verifiably eliminate chemical weapons.

Our Goal

OPCW Member States share the collective goal of preventing chemistry from ever again being used for warfare, thereby strengthening international security. To this end, the Convention contains four key provisions:

  • Demilitarisation: Destroying all existing chemical weapons under international verification by the OPCW.
  • Industry:  Monitoring chemical industry to prevent chemical weapons from re-emerging.
  • Emergency: Providing assistance and protection to States Parties against chemical threats.
  • Chemistry for Peace: Fostering international cooperation to strengthen implementation of the Convention and promote the peaceful use of chemistry.

OPCW by the Numbers

193 States committed to the Chemical Weapons Convention • 98% of the global population live under the protection of the Convention • 96% of the chemical weapons stockpiles declared by possessor States have been verifiably destroyed.


There are nearly 500 reasons to work at OPCW. You could be one of them.

Our mission for a world free of chemical weapons makes people’s lives better. Our team takes pride in helping the world become a better place for all.

Who we recruit today defines our culture tomorrow

“Our motto, working together for a world free of chemical weapons, can only be realised when we engage all of the world’s citizens in this challenging endeavour. The toughest problems require the best people and making use of 100% of the talent pool. We celebrate diversity in all of its forms.” – Fernando Arias, OPCW Director-General

The OPCW is a member of International Gender Champions Initiative, a leadership network that brings together female & male decision-makers determined to break down gender barriers and make gender equality a working reality in their spheres of influence.

Coming-On-Board Package

We offer an attractive relocation package to international recruits to cover costs of travel and removal of household effects, and additional costs as a result of relocation of staff members and their eligible dependents

Tax-Free Salary

The OPCW pays salaries according to UN salary scales. Staff members salaries and related benefits are normally exempt from national income tax. Salaries are subject to the OPCW staff assessment.

Child Care and Education Grants

We provide fixed-term staff members with financial assistance for childcare (including after-school care) for children until the age of 12. Eligible staff members also receive an education grant, paid in line with the UN common system, to ensure children will be able to receive a high quality education.

Global Insurance Coverage

We offer a comprehensive medical insurance package to staff members and their eligible dependents, which covers medical and dental expenditures globally.

6 Weeks of Holidays

Having time to recharge is important. Fixed-term staff members benefit from 30 days of annual leave per year.

Provident Fund

Fixed-term staff members participate in the OPCW provident fund. A monthly staff contribution is met with a doubled amount by the OPCW to ensure separating staff members have the capital necessary to move on to new challenges.

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