United Nations Department of Safety and Security


Company Detail

We provide professional safety & security services to enable the United Nations to deliver its programmes globally.

The United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) was formally established on 1 January 2005. The Department has been dedicated to performing the following functions:

  • To support and enable the effective conduct of United Nations activities by ensuring a coherent, effective and timely response to all security-related threats and other emergencies;
  • To ensure effective risk mitigation through the establishment of a coordinated security threat and risk assessment mechanism within the framework of a common, system-wide methodology;
  • To develop high-quality, best-practise security policies, standards and operational procedures across the United Nations system, including the appropriate degree of standardization;
  • To support implementation and monitor compliance with those security policies, standards and operational procedures;
  • To ensure the most cost-effective provision and employment of security personnel by taking advantage of economies of scale and through centrally directed recruitment, selection, training, deployment and career development.

UNDSS is driven by a number of guiding principles:

  • Being Effective, Efficient, Excellent and Ethical
  • Focusing on solutions and being innovative
  • Ensuring we are values driven
  • Developing a culture that values security
  • Responding to our clients and stakeholders needs
  • Learning continually
  • Valuing gender and diversity in our workforce


UNDSS personnel plays a vital role in enabling the safe conduct of UN operations, often in dangerous environments. We do this while ensuring the safety, security, and well-being of UN personnel, premises, and assets worldwide. We have exciting employment opportunities for committed safety and security professionals and support personnel in dynamic environments globally.

Our personnel perform a large range of functions, from ensuring the security of UN compounds, providing close protection services, and investigating incidents, to providing training on safety and security policies and procedures. Our staff identify security trends, develop security plans and ensure crisis preparedness.

There are many types of role within UNDSS, requiring a diverse set of knowledge, skills and experience. These roles can be broadly grouped into three career streams, all of which are essential for the successful implementation of our mandate:

1.    Security Operations:  This stream is made up of specialised functions that require specific technical skills sets, knowledge and experience. Examples include Policy Officers, Threat Analysts, Physical Security Specialists, Aviation Risk Management, Training, and Fire Safety.

2.   Specialist Security Operations Support:  This stream includes core safety and security functions related to the Department’s operations. Examples of Security Operations functions include Security Management & Advisory Services, Uniformed Security, and Close Protection.

3.    Executive support:  This stream includes roles that exist across the UN system, such Budget & Finance, HR, Logistics, Communications etc.

We are fully committed to increasing both geographical and gender representation throughout our workforce across all levels and categories. Diversity contributes to more effective decision-making and problem-solving by providing a range of perspectives, expertise, and a more robust process for critical evaluation. It is also reflective of our global client base, their needs, and the membership of the United Nations system that we serve.

We value professional growth and staff mobility at UNDSS. During the course of their careers with UNDSS, our personnel can choose to remain within a particular career stream, but they will also be encouraged to gain experience in other streams to build the knowledge, skills and experience required for management and leadership roles. We endeavour to give our personnel the greatest opportunities for career development to realise their potential.

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