Council of Europe Development Bank


Company Detail

The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) is a multilateral development bank with an exclusively social mandate.

Through the provision of financing and technical expertise for projects with a high social impact in its member states, it actively promotes social cohesion and strengthens social integration in Europe.

The CEB represents a major instrument of the policy of solidarity in Europe. It participates in financing social projects, responds to emergency situations and contributes to improving the living conditions of the most disadvantaged population groups.

The CEB contributes to the implementation of socially oriented investment projects through three sectoral lines of action, namely:

  • Sustainable and inclusive growth
  • Integration of refugees, displaced persons and migrants
  • Climate action: developing adaptation and mitigation measures

The CEB carries out its mission within the strategic framework of a formal “Development Plan” that describes the logic underpinning its action and sets forth guidelines for the activity in the medium term in relation to the operational context within which the Bank operates. The current Development Plan covers the period 2017-2019.

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